Is it normal to beat obesity and the world's energy problems this way?

Forget the idea of putting overweight people on treadmills to generate energy. They won't do it, anyway. I've thought of a more direct solution. The human body converts food to energy (heat, electrical, etc.) What if we tapped that energy and ran all our devices off it? People always want more devices and use more power than they should so the impetus on eating would be to produce power that is then consumed. Everybody would be the right weight as all spare energy reserves would always be used. And we wouldn't need batteries or power stations.

Don't dismiss this until you've truly thought about it.

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 42 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Cheradenine

    Is this site just full of kids and idiots?

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  • Avant-Garde

    This is a interesting idea... It could probably even help to end the obesity crisis, but allot of people probably wouldn't do it as you said. If it was made mandatory that would be great, but people would be sure to protest it... However, I think I'd be a bit creeped out if I was making food and thought of where the energy came from. You also need to think about a " energy back up". Let's say, there's a plague that wipes out a large percent of the population, we'd all be in a energy crisis. I think using other natural types of energy (geothermal, hydro, wind, etc) would be beneficial and help to prevent a catastrophe both "ethical" and "natural".

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    • geek_god_101

      I agree with the idea of geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and even wave power energy, but the problem is we have corruptible politicians and oil companies who want to limit the ability of the uses. These sources of energy are very useful especially when they are renewable and also clean and efficient but yes, the idea of using people as a form of energy would not work out well due to the fact that they would probably have undesired effects to human beings (whether they are obese or not is irrelevant) that may cause complications so, in conclusion, great idea but not a good solution.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If it worked why not i'd be able to power my house for 50 years.

    I is so fat yeah?

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  • VioletTrees

    How, though?

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  • WordWizard

    I think this sounds like a interesting idea and we have some fat people the size of elephants. Keep us updated and tell us if you ever figure out how to apply this.

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  • Legion

    Interesting idea, but have you thought about how you would convert the fat to electrical energy, and so do do so without it disrupting the body's natural processes? also, you probably would still need a battery, cause, otherwise, the unused energy would be wasted, and it would require more energy to use the device. you could use the persons energy to charge a battery pack, and the battery pack could power whatevers plugged into it. when you figure it out, you should talk with a patent attourney. Youre on to something here!

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  • lukeuser

    How does it work? This isn't a solution if you don't have a practical implementation of this idea.

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  • mikafor

    It's not very thermally efficient. If you wanted more power output, you would need to burn the fat directly. However if people had small thermopiles implanted into there bodies. The output would be efficient, but very low. Could probably still charge your phone.

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