Is it normal to become distressed by certain noises

When someone eats a certain biscuit around me, or plays with the lid of a water bottle, or gets lollies out of a packet in quite places, I become angry and quite distressed. It overwhelms me and I become sick in the stomach emotionally as though someone is tormenting me. Does anyone else experience this? Do you know why I have this problem?

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65% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Sorry can't talk eating a biscuit don't want you to become distressed

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    • robbieforgotpw

      The sound of someone sharting is funny though OP!

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  • EvenMySoulIsEmbarrassed

    I have this problem to. If its quite and somebody starts smacking their lips, coughing, moves around a chip bag, etc I get distressed. It almost sounds 5 times louder than what is really is..which is even more torturous. t(-_•)t

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  • nesthead

    Thanks for your comments. They are comforting, amusing and helpful.

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  • kelili

    I don't like people eating apples and cucumber. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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  • wibamuftw

    It's normal that noises can be annoying especially annoying when you're already in a sour mood. Torment though? That's not normal.

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  • MissClaire

    I would think that having that level of distress caused by these sounds is something to be concerned about.
    Typically we are already in an irritated mood prior to these "trigger" noises taking place - when they happen, we are obsessed with them and make ourselves believe that THEY are the reason we are irritated. Overtime this cycle becomes habit, and so, everytime that noise happens, our brain rationalizes our irritation by linking it to that sound.
    - try to focus on something else when that sound happens - remind yourself that it is nothing.

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  • NotFloydzie

    How in the world would we know why you have that problem? Some people just despise certain sounds.

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