Is it normal to beleive hate, racism, etc. can be cured

I believe if people simply were able to have the ability to love one another that world peace could be achieved. No matter what race you were, or what religion you believed in you could still love the other person that had totally opposite beliefs or customs than you.
I think that people's basic instinct is to engage in conflict and that's where our problem lies.
I am an atheist and used to dislike others that were religious, etc. but I realized that you don't have to hate and can just agree to disagree. Why is this so hard for people to do? Do you think world peace and love can be achieved???

(btw I'm not some hippie stoner saying all this stuff. I think this is real.)

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68% Normal
Based on 37 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Timmeyh

    The whole problem with this is that it all revolves around one! Not as in a specific person but everyone on an individual level. If someone willingly chooses to be ignorant, racist, sexist, etc. It's all on them, and chances are you won't persuade them to change.

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  • CarrotJews

    Peace preachers often forget that humans are animals, and there are no animals in the world that live in absolute peace.
    It's not possible.

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  • CreamPuffs

    It will never happen. It's unfortunate but true. People will always hate each other for more stupid reasons then just religion.

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  • xino00

    yes it can be cured if people love one another.

    However that is fiction, in reality it CAN NEVER be cured!

    it can only be cured in heaven, but not in hell or earth.

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  • i think racism and intolerance can be cured just as i believe cultures can change and become more harmonius to their people and animals. this would be ideal

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  • HurrrDurrr

    I too believe world peace can be achieved and it will be. Right after the last human is atomized off the face of the planet by thermonuclear warheads. To be serious I used to believe the same thing. Is it POSSIBLE, as in could it potentially happen? Well yes it could. Is it likely? Not at all. The older I get the less likely it seems.

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  • nattygirl13

    It's good for you to want to achieve that, but I think that humans are naturally prejudiced and judgemental. Some people just don't get along and you can't ask them to. Peace couldn't exist without war! (I'm not trying to sound depressing, sorry if that's how I'm coming off.)

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  • ms_funion

    I don't think things like this can be completely cured, tho I do believe things are getting better. I do not believe we are meant to live in complete peace and harmony. we have the right to not agree with one another and we do what we feel like we have to do to solve those disagreements. we are not robots. we are not all programmer to think the same way. not all dogs get along. even plants in the rain forest try to outgrown one another to compete for sunlight. it's just part of nature. in a way, conflict gives us the opportunity to try to grow and out do ourselves and each other.

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