Is it normal to believe donald trump is diagnosed narcissist/npd?

He always just came across like that to me? Just arguing or asking, if you were a “medical professional” to diagnose Trump with a mental health issue: Could you possibly argue he has “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”? Would that be normal to believe that? Or Just ridiculous??

Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 10 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    anyone who seeks presidency is prolly a narcissist or sociopath to some degree

    normally functional people wouldnt seek that position

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    • Gambler

      Vague, stupid terms. What the Hell is a narcissist or a sociopath? Just someone you don’t like?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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      • profanity

        I dont know why you were downvoted. Its a completely correct answer. People try to brand/label people who they dont like, just to discredit them.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I do believe that Donald Trump is suffering from some kind of mental issue. What the name is and to what degree I am not sure of (I have extremely limited knowledge of the mental health area beyond recognizing that there is likely some kind of noticeable issue in a person).

    At the same time - we are all a bit disillusion based on hopes and fears that we carry. So being off of typical is normal for most people. I just believe that Donald Trump is off more than most people.

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  • allialli

    Everyone who runs for president is a narcissist to some degree. That's why we should vote for people based on what they can do for our country and not based on who they are as people, because every last candidate has a superiority complex.

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  • kikilizzo

    Most people involved in politics are narcissists or sociopaths I think especially on the far right, and those who aren't sooner or later become corrupted or leave politics because they realize there is no hope. All those with the most power only cares about money.

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  • Tommythecaty

    The wealthy upbringing and not living in the real world as a result certainly can do that to people.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Do you guys not realize narcissistic tendencies does not always equal narcissist?

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  • darefu

    Most politicians, especially those with status or power show these traits. I would also add most CEOs of very large well know companies fit that same profile.

    I don't necessarily believe it's all their fault. Once you get so much money or power that the brown nosers around you start acting like they worship you and that you can do no wrong, or the law no longer seems to apply to you. You don't even have to buy your way out of things people just look the other way or make exceptions. It's like working at a restaurant and a VIP or Hollywood Star comes in and they comp their meal just so they can say so and so eats here.
    If you have to have your own security detail you are well on your way to having a narcissist personality disorder.

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  • LloydAsher

    He was a businessman beforehand. To be in buisness its perfered if you have some psychopathy, you got to make hard decisions.

    Trumps a narcissist sure. But he also wants to be seen doing a good job, I dont think hes a "good enough" type of president.

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  • Gambler

    Psychology graduates are mostly retarded, even those from Ivy League schools. It’s ridiculous.

    A very abusive parent probably has NPD.

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