Is it normal to believe i am god?

I've always been against organized religion. I feel the bible was written by people who wanted to further their own political views and to create a world they deemed acceptable.

I feel it is all lies and propaganda.

But I do believe in God. And I feel we are our own gods.

We have the power to create life, and to take it away.

To build and to destroy.

To invent and to travel.

To control minds with words and actions.

To affect peoples emotions and feelings.

When a person asks me what is my faith. I always say myself. I have faith in myself. I create my own path. No one is responsible for my life but me.

Is it normal to feel this way? Or I guess my true question - is it wrong?

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 59 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 39 )
  • Aurora93

    The way I see it, you're an atheist. I wouldn't go round saying you're God to people if I were you though. It gives the impression you think you're above everyone else.

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    • Ono

      You can be many different things if you believe you are god, an atheist is not one of them.

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      • Unimportant

        How so?
        An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in god. If I don't believe in myself(=low self esteem), and still think that I am god - then I am a god and an atheist at the same time.

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        • I don't believe in the bibilical god. Who I believe to be the true gods are the people of today. There is a difference, thus I am not an atheist. I am far more superior than those types of labels.

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          • Austalien

            I thought I was the only one :)

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  • Human beings are the most powerful creatures on earth. And every person has free will and contemplation, therefore capable of doing anything at any moment without being stoped. Every person is god and can play god if they choose to. I know im god.

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    • sqwidword33

      You speak like me, but unfortunately what you say is a great deal different in this example. You will if not ready regret replying in such a misleading way if you are at any rate predictable by me. I understand insight is acmiraculouse thing to be diverse in, however clearly you are seeking the correct foresight, and therefor you have already forgotten that it is important to recognize that your own answer at this point is a warped conclusion that merely eases the discontent that comes from not knowing your answer.

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      • My foresight is perfectly inline with the logical insights i provided you with. You speak somewhat differently than me though, 2 year old mexicans speak more coherently than you.

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  • Knight_Riot

    Its a normal i felt the same way, u couldnt have said it brotha, we are our own gods, the only reality that exist is that witch u experience, our only objective is to leave a positive mark on our suroundings... But watch out how deep u take it, i mean the homeless guy with the cardboard sign might be right as fuck, but hes still that guy lol... NORMAL!!! Live long and prosper lol

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  • I think we should all believe what we want and it's nice you believe yourself to be the creator of your own future and fate. I believe in a bit of both, there's something but I'm in control a little bit as well.

    Just don't tell people you think you are God, they'll think you're a bit crazy.

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  • suckonthis9

    If you were "god" (note the small 'g'), you would know that organized religion and the bible is not all lies and propaganda. Some religions are closer to the truth than others. It would be more accurate to state that the bible is mostly lies and propaganda.
    The word "god" is a Germanic word that simply means "good". It is good that you believe in things that are good.
    Be very careful with the word "faith".
    You have made a decision, which is an enlightened one. Someone had commented that labeled you an Atheist. I myself viewed myself as such for most of my life. In this existence, it seems we only have three choices; religious (to varying degrees), Agnostic or Atheist. You have made a fourth and better choice, none of the above.
    You are one step from Enlightenment!

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  • DolphinAngel

    Stupid... You're not the one creating your path... everything around you is; but not you!

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    • sqwidword33

      Hah, have you any idea what you just said? Everything else affects one indeviduals path? Let me put it like this:

      You have person 1 and person 2. Person 1 can not affect themselves, person 2 can affect them though. In turn, person 2 by this logic can not affect themselves, but person 1 can. So person 1 can only affect the things that he/she is affected by. And thereof, person 2 can only affect what affects themselves. Say, you basically just said:

      Wow, you're an idiot, you can't change your path, only the thing changing your path!

      Well isnt that indirectly the same thing?

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      • DolphinAngel

        I don't get your example but it's a big chain: Everyone you interact with and everything you see etc. influence your whole character --> And you change other people by interacting with them but in the end everything you are is made by other people and vice versa... so literally you don't have a choice what you do because you do everything based on your experiences and stuff which aren't created by yourself!!!

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    • And your anemic with a very weak mind.

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      • DolphinAngel

        In how far is it anemic and weak to realise that everyone influences you and your environment does;

        This makes you to who you are not yourself!

        Literally you don't even have a free will!

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        • It is so easy to flip what you said and turn it against you. Occupy wall street is a perfect example of free will. Do you even know that thousands of people are being beaten and pepper sprayed by police in new York for taking a stand Against the tyrants that run this country. Though there is a possibility that they could get thrown in jail or worse they still stay, sleeping out on the street. That is free will. They understand how powerful we Are as human beings, how godlike and refuse to be controlled and made to believe that they must live under the influence o everything around them like you - sheep. And as far as the environment we have more influence over it than it does us. Tigers are almost extinct due to human poaching. In 50 years it is predicted there will be no Antarctica due to global warming. We are killing this planet by instead of realizing we are the ones controling the worlds fate we hide behind false entities and say the end of days are near as per the bible. Ridiculous.

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          • DolphinAngel

            turning my arguments against me is fine but first you need to understand them... you are not able to do so;

            I better not waste my time on trying to explain that to you but your last point ist right: Humanity destroys earth instead of protecting it with our power... Like the song "We're all to blame" by Sum 41 already said: We don't realise that we do everything wrong and just care about what we want and not what we are supposed to do -.-

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  • Lords_Host

    We are all who I AM, google search this " they know not either will they understand I have said ye are gods all of you are children of the Most HIGH " , have some respect for yourself and who I AM

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  • Missaye

    This is a response to "fosterthepeople_1"

    Why would you say that? Obviously he/she is confused? Don't be so harsh, besides he/she isn't completely wrong... We are made in His image, three in one.

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  • Missaye

    God has a special relationship with all of His children, he also speaks to them. However, He states very clearly that He is God. And if He were talking to you, you would not hear a voice but simply become enlightened. This happens after you pray for His wisdom or read His word. And yes it's normal to feel His presents in a church, He loves to be around His people.
    However, be careful, what you are describing sounds demonic. You should never feel like you are God, as He would never lead you to feel that way. Satan has no problem with you believing that you are God because it pulls you away from Him. In fact, Satan doesn't much care what you believe in as long as you aren't a Christian. So yes, he may even go as far as to try and trick you into believing you are God. He will to do anything to separate you and God. The Bible says that he will even disguise himself as a angel of light. Satan used to be an Angel so he is very smart and knows the bible better than you do! If you feel like you are God then this is his doing, not God's. Get baptized if you haven't already and pray for the Lord's protection, because you are not God!

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  • Phoenix_Frye

    All existence stems from a singular consciousness which is the manifestation of thought energy. With thoughts anything can be created and destroyed within an instant or even simultaneously. Within a split second you can create an entire planet within your mind, complete with water, plants, animals, civilizations and anything you can imagine. As the creator of this imaginary world, to someone living on it, you would essentially be their God. Now imagine that imaginary being lives and breathes on your world; he/she experiences a life in whatever fashion you imagine him/her to. As all powerful as your imagination is, you can't truly experience his/her life; a life without being able to know the outcomes; a life without having the ability to create or destroy anything or everything in an instant with effortless thought. Given this logic, if existence stems from a singular consciousness, the only way for that consciousness to truly experience existence is by separating the observing part of the consciousness from the creating part of the consciousness. This is the true nature of intelligent design. A singular consciousness that purposefully evolves from simple strands of energy to form subatomic particles, that form atoms, form molecules and so on. At the smallest levels of matter the energy seems to behave erratically and chaotically, but with every gradient of microcosmic growth comes a greater level of organization that adheres to specific laws of physics. Eventually molecules form complex protein chains and so on until there is life. The life eventually evolves to become sentient, and there now exists a sentient consciousness separate from the creating consciousness that can experience existence from an objective perspective. And in having a consciousness that is now separate from the creating consciousness, the sentient being questions life and existence, and comes up with spirituality and religion to explain what remains a mystery. Is it God; a sole creator that is responsible for our existence? Or is it all explainable through complex science? Why not both? And if that's the real truth, what is our true essence? Are we only sentient beings that will die and cease to be? Or are we truly an extension of the consciousness that is responsible for creating existence? When we die, will we rejoin the singular consciousness? I believe that we aren't really disconnected from the creating consciousness. With the proper frame of mind, communion with this consciousness can be attained. When one achieves communion, free creation will become possible. And lastly, we are all ONE, experiencing the illusion of separation; we are not separate at all. The next time you see another human being, try (really try) to see them for what they truly are; energy, consciousness, observers and most importantly a part of you. The Buddhists believe in compassion, and the Christians believe in loving thy neighbor. As long as the ideas are congruent, how one perceives the message is irrelevant. You don't have to believe what I believe, but I find this to be as true and accurate as can be logically and simply explained without adding mysticism to explain what is beyond our comprehension.

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  • mexiguytex87

    I would say your not normal, because most people have a religion, but to me I think that yes it is true to a certain extent. My cousin is the same way but he put it more simple. He is his god because, he eats when he wants sleeps when he wants and goes when he wants. I believe in a higher being bu not sure what it is.

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  • sqwidword33

    You are so simple. If you are rightfully insightful, then you can tell me, what is even greater than yourself? Tell me why. Tell me where to find it. tell me how to control it.

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  • Funone1

    Thou art god, and I am god and all that groks is god- Valintine Michael Smith (stranger in a strange land)

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  • Quiznos

    If you really want to look at God and religion that way then yes you are, I am, and everyone else is God. God is a spiritual bond we have with it. We just don't read the word of God, we ARE the word of God. God is everywhere. We take God in every time we breathe. It gives us conciousness and when we dont get God in 3 minutes we lose conciousness.

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  • coolnigga

    fuck you

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  • fosterthepeople_1

    reading this makes me so fuckin angry at you! who do you think gave you the power to buld and shit! if it wasnt for eve eating the apple we would be able to have children. it was a punishment. and if the biblwe was written by people for no reason then why is their specific lines in the bible that god himslef said.? your such a dumb ass! theres actually proof that there was a god. go over there to th tu,mb thing. look at it yoiurself. i cant remember what it was called. but yeah. and only the people that think themselves as god. are ones of satan. you need to fix your life. cuz i wont be goin down there on jugement day.

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    • GothamCityDiva

      What makes you so certain god is a man, and that those were truly his words spoken in the bible? The bible is full of interpretations and translations. Those can be easily misunderstood and misconstrued.

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    • Great get angry over a stranger choosing not to believe in your phantom ghost. This is my issue with you religious zealots. You are too busy judging others while praising something that doesn't even exist and ignore what does, which is yourself, flesh and blood. Fuck your heaven and fuck your holy ghosts. Continue living your life thinking you have no control over it, believing everything was planned. I will instead enjoy creating my life, choosing my fate with my power of free will. I am human, I am god.

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      • fosterthepeople_1

        i dont believe everything was planned. says in the bible it isnt. your not god your a dumb fuck thats goin to hel. have fun with the devil. while your on fire im gunna be walkin the streets of gold. and is your oppion that i really dont give a rats ass about. ok? so go fuck yourself. k. thank you.

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  • sleepingbeauty

    You are defining yourself against the religious interpretation of what and who God is. You cannot take the religious identity for yourself and then say that's what you believe in. Basically it means you believe in the religious God and therefore are just being 'rebellious'. If you are atheist, then you will have a different interpretation of what your 'path' is.

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    • I can take whatever I want. Why not? The word GOD is a man-made word. Regardless of it's meaning, it is man-made. All I am doing is changing the definition and telling you what I believe it to be.

      I cannot be rebellious against a entity I do not believe in.

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      • sqwidword33

        First off, AN entity, not "a entity". You should work on your grammar "god".

        Also, control is not godlike, and you are corrupt with a mind that dwells on power.

        Just be at peace, relax, go out and raise money, clean up the beach, whatever. Don't worry about all this destiny crap, and treat life like a gift for once.

        I'll tell you one thing, I just finnished a play production and at the cast party I cried Into my friends arms. That happened TODAY and I tell you it was unbelievable. Then I find some guy ranting on about something that isn't really important. We need to be free spirited and brotherly and loving, not conceited. I would give you a hug and help you organize something charitable if I knew you in person, wanting to make benaficial change is perfectly fine, but it's wrong to dwell in power.

        You are no god. You are no demon. You are human, and instead of being the best person you can, you want to rise above mankind as most people know it. Why does you want that? All we need is love in the world, why does you have to be so confined, dependent, why do you have to be the one who helps the rest? I dont consider people a lost cause, I think we are all just doing our best as PEOPLE, not gods, please just respect yourself as a person, we don't have to call ourselves gods, it's just not so important like that.

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      • sleepingbeauty

        Yes you are, because you are comparing and defining yourself against God. You are not following your own path as you seem to think. You are just saying that you are everything God yourself. Therefore you define yourself in the interpretation of God, but choose to say you are as good on your own....typical rebellious child.

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        • Unlike the bibilical god I do not condemn homosexuals or promote anti free will. We are not a like so there is nothing to compare. Nor am I a child. But you are sheep.

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          • sleepingbeauty

            God (if you believe in him) does not condemn homosexuals or promote anti-free will (as you put it), the bible does that and it was written by men. I'm not sure why you feel it is appropriate to label me a 'sheep' as I am not particularly religious but I am very self aware and recognise self-deception. Your comparisons were clearly in your original post, now you are saying there is nothing to compare. At the same time you speak of God as a fact of life and in another post say he doesn't exist.

            You are inconsistent, derogatory, unclear and trying to find a path that means something to you.

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            • GothamCityDiva

              I think you are taking the post too literally as I understand exactly what s/ he is saying. This person is describing figuratively what is said to be the highest power, which to many is God and saying that god is all around because we as people are God. I think you're too busy trying to make this person wrong rather than taking a moment to try to understand what s/he is saying. There is nothing wrong in believing that there is nothing more powerful or good than yourself and recognizing that your actions and your actions alone because you chose to do them can ultimately affect the world and eveything in it in a good or bad way. That is power and to me that is God like.

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  • vnderbnder

    well, all i know is we got to stop this tyrannical government before it's to late and our paths are made for us.

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