Is it normal to believe in god, but refuse to name, him/her/it?
I was raised in a Catholic home, but i've never found faith in Jesus. In my mind, there are two general schools of thought:
1. Science can explain everything. We just don't know everything yet.
2. An conscious creator brought us into existence.
I believe #2 because in my mind, the universe had to have a beginning. It must be something outside the realm of human understanding. To me, science is not eternal.
So I believe in a god. But I think it is arrogant to think that we know who/what it is and what they want. "Holy" books appear to be man-made as people having been fighting (My god is the true god!) over who is right for centuries. So when I pray, I pray to "God" as I believe one should be grateful for one's existence.
Whew! Long story for a short question. Is this a relatively normal and logical belief? Or is there a hole in my reasoning?