Is it normal to believe in supernatural things?

I've been thinking about that since i'm 6-7 years old. I think there are creatures which we can not see. Supernatural things exist , but we can't see. Not like vampires or zombies , but ghosts are real I think. I should get over that because I really afraid of thinking about these kind of things. I need your help! What should I do and am I right about these supernatural things?

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80% Normal
Based on 55 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • SanDEstevez

    I die when people talk about ghosts

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  • Anime7

    I actually believe that there are mythical creatures out there; like pixies, dragons, and gnomes. However, I don't think humans are meant to see them. Furthermore, I think that these creatures know the effects that would come from human contact. If an alien came to Earth there would be mass hysteria and suicides, like the broadcasting of H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" in 1938. Also, anything that does not look humanoid, humans would consider a threat. In conclusion, I believe that there are things humans aren't meant to see, however, I personally would like to see a new world filled with enchanted creatures.

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  • bristexai

    I can tell you with 100% certainty the supernatural is real and many "mythical" creatures are real.

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  • asdf21

    You can see anything you believe. I believe I have a cat(of course it's invisible to everyone else), so I see it. It's totally normal.

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  • RoyalKnight

    It's normal, I strongly believe there are unseen forces out there too. We live in a HUGE universe and we've only seen about 10% of it. There is so much to explore out there and there are some things that are beyond human understanding too.

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  • purpledino8

    Its ok, think what you think..if you belive it , it doesn't make you crazy, we are all curious and have idea/veiws about things. Its normal. Just don't think about it to much ,were you scare yourself xD if you think your right.then stick with it... don't let ppl tell you what to think and belive

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