Is it normal to believe in the flying spaghetti monster?
I have believed in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for most of my life. I haven't seen him, but my parents told me that he exists, and they would never lie to me.
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I have believed in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for most of my life. I haven't seen him, but my parents told me that he exists, and they would never lie to me.
Congratulations into choosing the ONLY REAL RELIGION IN THE WORLD. yay :D
Yes, it is normal. I believe in three flying spaghetti monsters. All three in one. Father-Monster, Son-Monster and Holy-G-Monster - and they are really great monsters, a nice family sharing one Virgin-Monster whom HE = THEY impregnated more than 2,000 years ago and then her son = all three monsters in one came to save me from my sins.
Yes, it is normal for people with the Virtue of the Right Faith. We should burn everyone who does not believe in FSM (mind you, three in one) on a stake.
Why are you limiting it to the Christian religion? Did the person in Kansas that came up with the name Flying Spaghetti monster want people to think that the FSM was only toward the Christian God? I mean, can not the FSM also be for the Muslim God, And what about the jew? Do they get a FSM?
As for me, using Christianity was just a matter of convenience and it doesn´t mean that I have a different opinion when it comes to the absurdness and harmfulness of other religions. I just have much better knowledge of Christian doctrine in comparison with other religions which makes it a lot easier for me to make jokes using Christianity as an example. However, I welcome the alternatives reflecting the absurdness of the God of Muslims and Jews.
I used it just as an example of one of many religions. I come from a country where Christianity is the most widespread religion, so naturally I decided to use it as an illustration.
I fully agree that each monotheistic religion should have its own Monster (FSM or other) and probably polytheistic religions should have the plurality of different Monsters (FSM or other).
In my opinion, the God of Muslims or Jews is equally absurd as the God of Christians, so I would welcome anyone´s effort to use FSM as a nickname for their God. It is all equally absurd and I really do believe that Christianity is not special in any way, just one branch of the vast tree of nonsense. In my personal life I encounter mainly the oppresion and absurdities of Christianity, that was the reason for me picking this religion as an illustration. Hopefully I am not the only person who sees it this way and I would really love to see also some applications to other religions.
Keep in mind that my posts here do not have the ambition to elaborate my philosophy or worldview in detail and they are just more or less random illustrations of some parts of the whole matter.
FSM represents not only the Flying Spaghetti Monster but at the same time it stands for "Fucking Sadistic Murderer" because he - the Father-Monster - sent him - the Son-Monster - to the Earth so that he (Son-Monster) died in pain and when that happened, he (the Father-Monster) thought what a marvellous event that was for mankind.
Yes, it really was a marvellous event. Also, thank you for the explanation of FSM, orgininally I thought (years ago, when I was a sinner unaware of the spaghetti spiritual world) that it stood for FemaleSadoMasochist and one holy day when I was looking for some porn online, I typed FSM into the search engine and it gave me one page dedicated to FSM (I mean this true spaghetti substance) and so I was blissed with the deeper meaning of life and my porn addiction was miraculously cured.
Since then, I have never sinfully abused my body with the sin of masturbation, instead I discovered what a great spiritual value there is in abusing your mind instead of your body and for the same reason religion is better than sex. It fucks your mind, not just your body.
The Flying Spagetti Monster is really almighty and can save us and our lives if we are in danger to succumb to the devil's temptations! This can't be just a coincidence - I also came accross the holy information about the Flying Spagetti Monster when I was looking some good porn online and typed FSM (meaning Fuck & Suck Me).
As proven by scientists and highly sentient leopards the flying spaghetti monster is the only true religion and all others must be eradicated with extreme prejudice... and fire, like LOTS of it.
As long as it's normal for people to believe that Adam and Eve existed, you can believe in anything your heart desires. :D
there are more reasons for the big FSM to excist then it is of stories im the bible to be true . Ramen
I don't know if it is NORMAL, but I'd say it is very COMMON. Also you have to ask what god are you talking about? Christian god? That is the classic sky daddy man in the sky flying spaghetti monster theme.
Buddhism does not believe in that, nor does Hinduism. But I do believe we are all connected to everything. Trees, planets, rocks, other humans. We are all connected. To me, "God" is not a person, but ENERGY. So in essence, god is you and me and the tree and my dogs and everything. Not a person or a sky daddy. I also do not pray to any god. I like the Hindu version of God. Not the creator of things, but the actor.
Oh, come on, of course you should believe in it even if you have never seen it. In fact, its existence can be proved in countless ways. Here are just some of the finest ways to prove that FSM is REAL:
1.You do not see it but you feel its existence deep down in your heart. Therefore FSM exists. (inner experience argument)
2.There is a book written about it. Therefore FSM exists. (holy scripture argument)
3.You see plenty of spaghetti in your everyday life. It must have some cause. But the causes cannot go ad infinitum. Therefore there must be something that causes all these causes, id est FSM exists. (first cause argument)
4.Some spaghetti are capable of moving. Anything moved is moved by another and there cannot be an infinite series of movers. So there must be a first mover. Therefore FSM exists. (first mover argument)
5.Every contingent being, for example a single spaghetti, at some time fails to exist. So if everything were contingent, then at some time there would have been nothing, and so there would have been nothing now, which is clearly false. So not everything is contingent. So there is a necessary being. Therefore Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. (argument from necessity)
6.And think about morality - would it be possible to live in a world without any higher moral standards? No. Therefore there is a flying spaghetti monster. (argument from morality)
7.If FSM did not exist, it would be very sad and hopeless. Therefore it must exist. This proof is my favourite one. (argument from hope)
8.Last but not least - I have never seen your genital and even so I believe that you have it. Thefore even things we cannot see are bound to exist. Ergo FSM exists. (sexist argument)
9.Try to disprove it! Come on!!!! Give me the proof that FSM does NOT exist!!! Ha! I got you now!!!! You cannot disprove it therefore FSM exists. (intelligent argument)
As you can see, it really exists. Please do not stop believing in it just because you do not see it. Anyway, your parents told you it exists, so how dare you even doubt? I wanted to save your soul, so I offered you some solid reasons for your belief.
Bless you.
*TRUMPET FANFARE* All bow before The Flying Spaghetti Monster. May his noodly appendage bless you always.
He is real, and he IS the Almighty. I have been touched by his noodly appendage. I'm sorry but if I'm going to talk anymore about this I have to get into my ceremonial garb.
Leme guess, your parents told you you will be a president and you believed.
And who will save us? SPACE_GHOST!!!!!!!! :) With arms like steel and super speed, she can leap buildings in a single bound!