Is it normal to believe in the randomness of things in life

I know that most people believe that certain things happen for a reason but I just believe in randomness. Random things happen all the time for no apparent reason and you shouldn't blame yourself harshly for something that has harmed you. And that partially explains the well-known "Bad things happen to good people frequently" saying.

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90% Normal
Based on 31 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • disthing

    Yes, of course it's normal.

    In my experience, MORE people believe that there is no such thing as fate, karma, destiny, natural order or any other form of preordinance than do, but that's probably down to where I live. I expect if you conducted a survey, it'd be more like 50/50.

    But yes, in my opinion all events are a consequence of cause and effect, an infinite chain - one step leading to another. Nature is chaotic.

    You can usually determine the cause of something, even if you can't say there was any philosophical significance or reasoning behind it.

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  • tripw7

    Yes, our maker put us on earth to make our own decisions in life. How we deal with what happens along the way in life will ultimately determine how we end up at the end.
    We want to do our best in the decisions we make so that along the way, we can either know what to change or to be happy with what we did.

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    • thegypsysailor

      OMG! "our maker "????????????????????????? Really???????????????
      Oh shit, I give up....

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      • I once got bitten by a ferret.

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        • thegypsysailor

          You are such a lucky boy....

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  • Sweetbird

    It seems the same way to me as to the person who asked, yet I have seen some things that could be called miraculous, but they were very few. It could also be chance. But saying the universe is random like this doesn't exclude the orderliness apparent all around, either. Things do happen for a reason--it's just more apparent to be cause and effect related. It is possible to find meaning in anything, it is different than the notion of order. I'd say there's a nice balance between order and chaos here.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Patience is a virtue.

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