Is it normal to believe something is always chasing you up stairs?

I am an average 19 year old guy. Ever since I can remember I have always sprinted for my life on any stairs I go up. This only happens when I am alone, I have told a few friends about it but I don't think they understand the severity of this whole ordeal. As I approach the 'stairs of death' (how I refer to all stairs) I tell myself there is nothing to be afraid of, I am safe, and I have used stairs multiple times without something grabbing my legs and dragging me all the way down to a slow painful tormenting death. As I take my first step onto said stairs my heart jumps and adrenaline kicks in as if I'm the next victim in a horror movie. I race up the stairs like my life depends on it and I'm not stopping for nothin'. Sometimes I look back down half expecting to see something chasing me. When reaching the top of the stairs my heart is still pounding and my breath is a little heavier. If the stairs have a door at the top of them I usually slam it in a panic (occasionally I have woken up a sleeping family member or two from this). The only thing I find odd about this is I don't have any picture in my mind of what is chasing me, all I know is it must be bad otherwise I wouldn't be running. duhh. Seriously guys this is all true. I don't run down though only up. When I was younger around... 6-7 I used to yell at who ever was up the stairs, ie. "MOMMM!!!" and she would say "WHAAAT?!?" I would respond "I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOUUU!!!" By the time I would finish saying that I would already been up the stairs in safety. The logic behind this was that if someone could hear me yell I would have at least a witness and possibly a savior to fight off the perpetrator. Of course once reaching the top of the stairs to safety there was no need to continue talking to my mother, this made her feel like I was a very strange boy with so many questions I didn't feel like asking. Anyway... I hope I'm not the only one out there. Anybody else feel like stairs are overrated?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • ThisIsNotAUsername

    I'm a 19 year old female, and if I didn't have a boyfriend, I would say you were my soul-mate...

    I have the same paranoia too! I'm scared simply because I don't like the idea of not being able to see what's behind me, and a staircase is the place that I feel most vulnerable. I would say it's one of those habits we continue from childhood. Some of us loose it, but some of us don't.

    Its the same for the 'If every limb is under the quilt, the monster won't get me' thing.

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    • robbyboi

      Yesss. I have the same thing while sleeping! But my closet must be closed and I have to be laying in my bed in such a way that I can clearly see my door. Also when I turn off my lights i jump to my bed as if my floor is lava.

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      • ThisIsNotAUsername

        I'm not sure if this is you mocking me or not, but I do pretty much everything you listed excluding the lava...

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  • theYaoilover

    Dude, you just made me feel so much better. I'm a 16 year old girl and i thought i was batshit crazy every time i did this.

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  • i have the same feeling, once when i was about 5 we were playing in the yard and i went up the back steps to go inside and a big hand grabbed my ankle. i knew who it was cause he called my name ( man with brain damage from over the road) i peed on his hand and ran inside, so yeah same

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    • joybird

      I was just going to say that this has developed from a childish prank - maybe a parent grabbed you through the spindles etc and it has lingered in your minds.

      It's like playing boo and jumping out from behind a door, this teaches kids that all empty rooms may not really be empty, or to be afraid of the dark. Daft parents who generate fear.

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      • robbyboi

        I really can't recall anything traumatic happening on stairs though. Maybe I had a nightmare a long time about it or my over active imagination created something

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        • joybird

          You won't coz it was probably fun at the time. It's only when the kid's imagination starts to do overtime thinking what it could've been that you develop the fear.

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  • benben666

    Been years since you posted this, but yeah this happens to me all the time. Like a few minutes ago. It's cureentry 3am in England and I wentitled downstairs for a quick cigarette. I was using my phone light and everything was all normal. But I knew what was coming. I knew as soon as I'd finished the I'd have to get up themy damn stairs as fast as possible. Thing is I can't exactly run up the stairs incase I wake someone up. I have to walk slowly. It's fricking torture. I think I know how ando when this originated. Back when I was a toddler/7 year old, I had a phobia of Gollum from the Lord Of the Rings. I'd have terrible nightmares where I was upstairs at night playing on my playstation 2 with my door open and my mum next door to me. I heard a loud bang and rushed to my mums room. When I lifted up her blancet she was a skeleton. Decomposing before my eyes. Then I was unable to talk or scream. So I ran out of her room and noticed my staircase and banister had grown tall. Looking down it looked like I was on the edge of a building. At least it felt that way. All I could see was darkness. Then I moved on to the staircase. Gollum was right at the bottom. Jesus, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it and it's been nearly ten years. He was at the bottom looking more mangled and pale than usual. I rushed to my room and slammed the door. I don't remember what happened next. All I can remember after that was me waking up. Not actually waking up though, I was still in the dream. Thinking it was finally over I walked out of my room only to notice HE WAS there. Stood in the spacentre between my staircase and banister. He'd grown into a behemoth. His fucking eyes still haunt me. I can't even describe them. He picked me up... I can't remember what he did after that though. Anyway, I think that my phobia of walking up the stairs at night stemmed from these horrible reoccurring dreams. Yeah, it wasn't just one. It was every singl night. I actually had a dream about him again last year. Walked down stairs thinking I was awake and saw him in the living room. Again looking all mangled. I said to myself 'Oh fuck this. I'm not going through this again' so I ran into that room and I assume I kicked the absolute shit out of him. Can't really remember.

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  • TheAnimeFangirl

    i always thought something like the grudge was chasing me up the stairs. 8I

    And you are not alone.
    It's pretty normal

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    • Alaksa2152

      Omg same exact thing, but exept she’s walking on her hands and feet upside down like gymnasts do, I think it’s called the bridge?

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  • CaileighCunningham

    This literally just happened to me, my family is home and all the lights are on but I had a freakout on the stairs and had to go up sideways with my back to the wall. Its happened to me since middle school and im a high school senior now. And it's only up stairs for me too. I didn't know this was a normal/common paranoia! Now I know :)

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  • sheepysheepy

    i run up AND down the stairs when nobody's at the floor that I ran from

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  • Avant-Garde

    This only happens to me at night when I'm alone. There's something about being the only awake person in a semi-lit home. I get so scared, I feel like I'm being watched. When the paranoia fully starts to kick in, I dash up the stairs stopping for no one. When I get up the steps, I sometimes do a victory dance and try to catch my breath. I'm usually so scared that I'll run into a room and wait there, still scared. My mother witnessed this once and told me that I had some "problems" and that I needed help:/ I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one.

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  • bittersweet21

    Lol I get that that feeling too sometimes. And at night if I stand by my bed I always get this creepy feeling that something is going to grab my leg. So annoying!

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  • debpratim.ghosh

    Its normal. That happens to me too.

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  • ITgirl232

    OMG!! i feel this way all the time, only i only feel that way when someone is behind me.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Haha I have this to!!! It's so fracking creepy. I watch alot of scary movies though :P It's also only going up, and not down. I feel like I'm not safe until I'm in the light again. I'm not going to lie, I feel like there some effed up ghost shit behind me

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  • iinspud

    I remember from my child hood that I was at the top of the stairs, and I looked back to see a shadow with glowing white eyes,and I will never forget the growl of that thing!!!

    (My house was haunted BTW) Just repeat this phrase in your head "there's nothing to fear but fear it's self."

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  • Gelmurag

    There used to be a few spirits in my house, and the "guardian" spirit would always chase me up the steps. Although that was really the only place I ever felt anything chase me going up steps.

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  • california13

    i'm 13, and i've been doing this for as long as i can remember. i also always put my hand behind my back so i can feel if something tries to catch me. its relieving to know i'm not the only one!

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  • myownopinions

    It's called paranoia. Totally normal, but you might want to one day try to get yourself to just 'walk' up the stairs.

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