Is it normal to believe something is always chasing you up stairs?
I am an average 19 year old guy. Ever since I can remember I have always sprinted for my life on any stairs I go up. This only happens when I am alone, I have told a few friends about it but I don't think they understand the severity of this whole ordeal. As I approach the 'stairs of death' (how I refer to all stairs) I tell myself there is nothing to be afraid of, I am safe, and I have used stairs multiple times without something grabbing my legs and dragging me all the way down to a slow painful tormenting death. As I take my first step onto said stairs my heart jumps and adrenaline kicks in as if I'm the next victim in a horror movie. I race up the stairs like my life depends on it and I'm not stopping for nothin'. Sometimes I look back down half expecting to see something chasing me. When reaching the top of the stairs my heart is still pounding and my breath is a little heavier. If the stairs have a door at the top of them I usually slam it in a panic (occasionally I have woken up a sleeping family member or two from this). The only thing I find odd about this is I don't have any picture in my mind of what is chasing me, all I know is it must be bad otherwise I wouldn't be running. duhh. Seriously guys this is all true. I don't run down though only up. When I was younger around... 6-7 I used to yell at who ever was up the stairs, ie. "MOMMM!!!" and she would say "WHAAAT?!?" I would respond "I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOUUU!!!" By the time I would finish saying that I would already been up the stairs in safety. The logic behind this was that if someone could hear me yell I would have at least a witness and possibly a savior to fight off the perpetrator. Of course once reaching the top of the stairs to safety there was no need to continue talking to my mother, this made her feel like I was a very strange boy with so many questions I didn't feel like asking. Anyway... I hope I'm not the only one out there. Anybody else feel like stairs are overrated?