Is it normal to believe that donald trump is a born-again christian?
I believe that sometime before he ran for public office, Donald Trump was in conversation with God and was inspired to change the course of the country. He was a successful businessman in his career and God wanted to use Trump’s skills to rebuild and get the U.S. back to its Biblical values.
That’s why he stopped cheating when he married Melania in 2003. His days of reckless sin were over as the Holy Spirit called this man for a higher purpose. No doubt, just like Jesus was vilified and attacked in His days, so did Trump the moment he started running for President, far more than any other Republican. Liberals are actually more likely to cheat and divorce because they have no religious conscience telling them it’s wrong to break someone’s heart, yet they deflect from their sins and try to lay them on conservatives.
He is a very strong man who is leading our country through shaky times into a better future. The Democrats have shown that they are incredibly petty and vicious and it is vital that we can’t let them finish the damaging work that Barack Hussein Obama started. Who’s with me to vote to re-elect 4 more years of MAGA?