Is it normal to believe that members of lgbt shouldn't reproduce?
Not that they wouldn't be good parents but I find that if you're incapable of having a baby through natural means, it's not meant to be and a LGBT member should just adopt instead.
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Not that they wouldn't be good parents but I find that if you're incapable of having a baby through natural means, it's not meant to be and a LGBT member should just adopt instead.
Being LGBT+ doesn't mean you can't have a baby naturally. Bi people can still enter "opposite sex" relationships, and being trans has nothing to do with any of this.
Your point still applies to lesbian and gay people, but I disagree again. If technology is good for anything, it's good for equalizing the opportunities of all people.
If that were to come into play, shouldn't straight parents stop reproducing because straight people can produce gay babies? Where would it end?
I think it's an erroneous thought, but it's yours to have.
I have often wondered at the child's mental development in a one gender family. Though I have absolutely nothing against gays, I cannot see how a one gender family can give a child a balanced upbringing, and of course the added peer discrimination for being different, we all know isn't especially good.
Most fire back that two loving parents are better than a single parent household, but that is apples and oranges, here. Nobody disputes that single family households are not the best environmental option.
Is it possible that single gender couples who desire a child, are being a bit selfish when it comes to the welfare of the child?
Calling gay parents who adopt a child selfish is a huge (and imo absolutely unsensical) accusation. After all, they are doing a very good thing - they take the child that was given away by heterosexual, biological parents because they lack the means or will to raise a child, and bring it up in a (hopefully) proper manner. It is no argument for me if gay parenting will increase the overall well-being of children, because it arguably will for just this single fact.
And about the question "gay vs. straight parents: what is better?" - every scientific study so far suggests that there is not really a difference whatsoever.
I don't believe I mentioned adoption at all, did I? Adoption is preferable for the child, one would think.
I've never seen any scientific study re; "gay vs. straight parents: what is better?", but I would think that given both were equally loving, healthy homes, the straight would be preferable, if for no other reason than the peer pressure at school.
That is equivalent to saying that black kids should not have gone to a white only schools in the 50s because they would be stigmatized.
How are we, as a society, supposed to overcome stigma if we are too afraid to confront it?
It is only through exposure to new situations that people will learn to accept others.
Why don't you ask all the kids on here who were bullied for one reason or another if they would mind being the one to be bullied so society can overcome stigma?
Great as ideals, but a bit lacking in practicality.
Ugh, victim blaming . . .
Perhaps we should have woman cease their attempts to climb the social economic ladder because some men look down at strong woman. Perhaps interracial couples should break up because people look at them differently. Perhaps people should abort children with mild birth defects because people might bully them. What's wrong isn't that kids have gay parents, but rather that kids bully.
"People should know not to do things because other people don't like it. Therefore, it is their fault they are stigmatized." This is what you are saying. Can you see how backward that is?
I'm confused as to the question. People that are bi and trans can reproduce naturally. A gay couple can't at all because no one can get pregnant. In lesbian couples, there can be IVF.
Are you calling out against IVF? Because that really just helps infertile couples interested in children in general, not just lesbians.
So heterosexual couples with low fertility or whose sperm + egg are incompatible, shouldn't have any fertility treatments like ivf? If you think the answer is yes, then I guess you're argument isn't so terrible.
How are LGBT people "incapable" of having babies, and what exactly qualifies you about telling others what's "meant to be" and what not? I mean, yeah, they probably SHOULD adopt children to compensate the overproduction of the heterosexual folk, but by no means do they HAVE to.