Is it normal to believe that religious people know religion is false
I feel like religious people know there is no heaven or hell. They realize that god does not show them "signs" of how to live a true and happy life. They just chose to believe in all this stuff because well, it makes them feel better. Why believe in something you have to choose to believe in anyway? I believe I'm imagining everything. Even though I can't prove it, I can't disprove so I say it's true! > sarcasm.
I know, it's hard to accept the fact that all our emotions and feelings are just impulses of electricity, and chemical reactions happening in our brains. Our memories are just imprinted patterns of neurons that we chose to fire whenever we want to "remember" something again.
The hardest thing to realize of all is that when you die, There is no "you" anymore. There might still be some sort of consciousness after death. But by all means, there won't be anything human about it. You won't be you, you'll just be... If anything. The human ego is something we only get to experience once. There is no taking it along with you after you leave. We come in with nothing, we leave with nothing. There might be a grand scheme things involving our experiences on earth, but all in all, this life is the only time you'll ever be you.
is it normal to believe the truth?