Is it normal to believe that women should be barred from the military?

I think that we should listen to mother nature, popular belief, & the like as well as refrain from esoteric brainstorming. It’s time that we restricted the role of women in the military to what it was during World War I & prohibited them from receiving uniforms &/or attending cadet academies. As for the solution to the need for more soldiers, let’s simply change the draft age range from 18-25 to 15-45.

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 69 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 61 )
  • Tempest-au

    IMHO, most women have more than adequate strength to fill a combat role without endangering their fellow soldiers. Granted, they may have difficulties filling a slot in a heavy weapons team (for example), but that certainly doesn't preclude combat. Take the Russian military during WWII as just one example, there were hundreds of decorated female snipers, combat pilots, etc.

    That being said, I personally don't agree with the concept of women "in the front lines", not because of their combat prowess or lack thereof, but simply for the sad fact that captured combatant women are highly likely to be subjected to rape and other sexual assaults by their "captors".

    War is hell. Getting wounded and/or killed in combat is bad enough - but IMHO getting systematically raped, possibly for years, just because you were "doing your duty" and didn't happen to have a penis... too great a price.

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    • PissInThatBitchesAss.

      WOW wait a second hold on there first of all without a man to lead women on the battlefield there'd be nothing but chaos and women aren't strong enough to match the endangerment/casualties men would sustain amongst eachother compared to that of a male/female unit mix , I'd love to see what an ALL FEMALE ELITE VS ALL MALE ELITE marine combat unit does on a live battlefield and see what happens.

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      • Tempest-au

        Did you even read my post that you just replied to?

        Probably not.

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        • PissInThatBitchesAss.

          I did already it's called getting sniped which means although I highly disagree with the beginning of your paragraph I do accept the remaining 90% of it.

          Respond to this comment please.

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          • Tempest-au

            Fair enough. Your original response was unclear.

            You are entitled to your opinion, even if it flies in the face of documented history.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      Well, at least you have SOME rationality.

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  • riffraffy

    Normal. Combat roles require a level of physical strength women don't have. Requirements for these roles should not be lowered at risk of putting our soldiers in danger.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      I’m glad to see that you have common sense.

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  • dinz

    Well if they can pass the physical and psychological tests to be a soldier I see no problem with it.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      You just don’t get it, do you?

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      • dinz

        What you don't get is that the purpose of a physical and psychological test is meant to see if a person is a suitable candidate for the military. It happens to be the very reason why there isn't many women particularly on the front line.

        The military does not a quota where it must have x amount of women which would be pretty foolish.

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        • GuardianoftheHumanRace

          Look, could you please read Tempest-au’s argument.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Why? I personally am not attracted to serving but many women are so why deny them the opportunity?

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      The majority (not all but the MAJORITY) of women don’t have the necessary strength for such duties. I mean, it’s a fact of SCIENCE that testosterone & not estrogen induces strength.

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      • mysistersshadow

        Whatever you say your the scientist.

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        • GuardianoftheHumanRace

          I’m not saying that I’m a scientist, I’m saying that ACTUAL scientists are well aware that testosterone but not estrogen induces strength.

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          • Boner_Face

            Testosterone builds human civilization. Everything you see is built by men. Women are necessary for emotional nurturing.

            Keep yourself strong, you're doing fine. Social agendas and social movements gain credential only from simple minded individuals adherence.

            Keep being original, your thinking is very necessary to our evolution.

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            • Kookulainamus

              Brilliantly stated.

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            • GuardianoftheHumanRace

              For the record, military service is the ONLY one of these occupations that I believe should be off limits to women but your argument is nonetheless superb!

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          • mysistersshadow

            I have a gymnastics student that has her heart set on being a force recon Marine and from what I know of the physical requirements she could pass them easily. Her strength for her size if off the chart. And shes mentally one of the toughest ppl I've ever met. Her adppted father is a Marine Colonel and they work out together she can leave him in the dust on every exercise be it pushups pullups situps running everything. Hes kinda like you guys in that he doesn't want her to do it but also torn becos he loves her and wants her to achieve her dream.

            Anyway when I see her and how determined she is I'm pretty sure she could do anything she set her mind to. Shes at the gymbastics level I was at when I had to quit and she got there more than a year before me. My point is shes a little power house and I honestly can't think of a reasonable argument for why she shouldn't be able to serve the way she wants to and I'm sure there are many more out there like her. Her ultimate goal is to be a scout sniper and me and some friends went out to the wilderness with her and her dad and she is a amazing shot. I think it would be foolish to not let her try and blow away ppls expectations shes phenomenal. I don't think a penis should be a requirement to let someone do what they feel is there patriotic duty.

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            • GuardianoftheHumanRace

              Alright, well, the ONLY exceptions, I repeat, ONLY exceptions that will be made is if a female recruit undergoes a background check revealing a significant obsession with this type of thing & the obsession will need to be of significant levels as determined by a board of social workers.

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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#P1

          Get into the debate mysistersshadow of course the hormone testosterone on all different levels make men superior to women but why not argue to protect childbearing women behind enemy lines where it's safe so that reinforcements can roll out between the legs like a barracks where the newborn male is trained from birth to kill and if there's a surplus of woman they can be ultrasound and aborted (behind enemy lines) in the womb to be reimpregnated by another male to make ready more males for war at puberty around 12 to 15 that'd be a good idea wouldn't it?

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  • IMissMary

    Equal rights = Equal fights

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      Have you ever heard of the term "rational basis"?

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  • CountessDouche

    This is an interesting conversation. I do believe that men and women are fundamentally different, physically different. There are women (and it's rare) who are just as physically strong as in could dead lift a fallen soldier, and in that case it's arguable that they should be allowed to join the armed forces.

    I've dated people who have served, and people who have been in ROTC- and I've asked their opinion on the subject, cause I find it to be an interesting issue.

    As for those who have served, their argument against women in combat was quite different than yours. Here's what they said, and I paraphrase and put it in my own words:

    "Look at the type of men that join the armed forces. They are traditionalists. They believe in gender roles, but they are good men. They've had it hammered into their never hit a woman; you always defend a woman; you put your life in danger to make sure she's safe...women and children first.

    And when there is a woman on your team, she puts everyone in danger, because every guy involved is willing to put himself and the rest of the team at risk, just to make sure she makes it out alive. If you have all of your men prioritizing one life over another, that puts everyone at risk. People make bad choices."

    In my opinion, this does make sense. The physical standards should be equal for all, but there are always women who can meet those standards; there are always exceptions.

    As for the psychological reasons, those can't be corrected. You could argue that men in the military need to get over themselves and see women as peers, but they simply don't, and that puts them in danger. The military is not about equality, it's about the bottom line and keeping people safe- same with fire fighters, and police officers.

    Having said that, there's a lot of jobs in the military that don't involve combat, and I see no reason why a woman couldn't participate, but if her presence in a combat situation puts others in danger, then she should not be there...even if it sets women's rights back a step.

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#Q1

      My point is to show you the difference between down voting someone and censorship.

      My comments above were censored by the IIN community, they've been effectively removed. I down voted you -10 your comment still exists, do you understand the difference? lol

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  • PatientZero

    the thought process if you're a self-absorbed asshole and truly believe there is a stronger sex, would say its normal. Reality, no it's not normal to think that way at all, go back 30+ years ago it would've been more normal thinking and more that agree with you, but that thought today is obsolete.
    I was in the Army for 4 years and there was some things i did not like, for example the difference in PT test scoring (which in turn can lead to a waiver for promotion based on gender)as it undermines the idea of equality. But if you feel this way about strength/weakness then do you share this sentiment with law enforcement officers? EMT/Paramedics? Firefighters? Construction Workers? Sanitation Workers? Boxers/Fighters? etc.

    Until you are the most powerful human being on the planet, you have not EARNED the right to that opinion.

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    • IMissMary

      On average women are weaker, its not even a debatable topic.

      On average women are not able to critically think and use rational reasoning like men.

      Women can be trained to think more rational and of course perform tasks on an equal level as men, but given the same training to both sexes the man will most likely end up physically stronger.

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      • GuardianoftheHumanRace

        I have to disagree with you on the critical thinking department but you’re totally right about their physical capabilities.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      They’re perfectly capable of doing those jobs that you just listed. The military is an exception & before you start brainstorming esoterically about why said exception exists, think about how thinking simply & in a relaxed manner won’t leave you as mentally exhausted as would esoteric brainstorming.

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  • Roustabout

    I'd rather be in a foxhole with Ronda Rousey than Clay Aiken.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      Who's Clay Aiken?

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  • Bluejayy

    Could you explain why exactly you want women banned from the military, without spewing bullshit? What do you even mean by referencing mother nature? In mother nature some female insects rip off the heads of males and feast on their bodies during mating. Should we implement that into our society? After all, it is mother nature like you said :)

    Learn how to spell properly before showing your blatant misogyny, as I doubt women are going to be "barred" from the military.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      I don’t want them to be placed in harm’s way, as they’re inevitably at greater risk for it due to the majority of them (not all but a MAJORITY) not having the strength induced by male hormones. So, if anything, NOT wanting to bar (this verb DOES mean to deny access to, look it up) women from the military is misogynistic, as it is being inconsiderate of their inevitable disadvantages. I’ll have you know that I believe that men who beat their wives should receive 40 public lashes. My only desire is to protect the generally (keep in mind that I’ve just typed in "generally") more physically disadvantaged from harm.

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      • Bluejayy

        And that's what advanced training is for, these women don't just go into a war blind, they often spend years of training and building up their strength.

        i could easily say that i don't want men to get hurt either, as there are men that are born with frail or small bodies. should we ban them from the military too?

        i understand that if it did come down to it a women facing an enemy that was male that the male would most likely have an advantage, but that's what weapons are for. in the military you get trained for countless tactics, whether it be gorilla warfare or knowing how to gas out enemies.

        you can't just say you want to ban all women, because there are women who have bigger builds than an average man, smarter or more quick thinking, these are what saves your life when it comes down to facing the enemy head on.

        punch outs rarely even happen during war, where a women may be disadvantaged than a man, but what it comes down to is who is quicker to draw and shoot their gun first. you CANNOT count your strength or size to save you during combat, because a mens power does nothing against a bullet heading for your skull.

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        • GuardianoftheHumanRace

          Advanced training only exacerbates said physical incapability for the MAJORITY (not all but the MAJORITY) of women. In addition, women are more likely to become emotionally disturbed from advanced training than men are.

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          • Bluejayy

            so? if they pass the physical and mental requirements needed to serve the army, then i don't see a problem with a woman joining.

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            • GuardianoftheHumanRace

              Perhaps you should read Tempest-au’s argument.

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  • MickeyMic

    You are ignorant if you think anything about women being barred from the military. I served with both and the women are just as capable as men.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      The MAJORITY of women (whether in the military or not) lack the necessary strength.

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