Is it normal to believe the world has gone mad?

With widening gaps between the extremely rich and the impossibly over-taxed poor, coupled with an accelerated population growth of mankind, whose over-use of planetary ressources is leading us to a fast approaching global enivironmental disaster, we can all agree that something has gone wrong with society.

It appears to me that humanity has become a greedy, apathetic and demonstrates a total disregard for this beautiful little planet and her delicate ressources.

But when I look around at my peers, they're more interested in the latest football results, celebrity gossip or whatever reality TV show is flavour of the month.

It's like living in the matrix and suddenly waking up to realise that everyone is still living in a fairytale where money can be borrowed without consequence, ressources are endless and there is no " bad ending" for humanity if we carry on down this path to self destruction.

Is it normal to think that the world has gone mad?

Voting Results
94% Normal
Based on 53 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Glass

    Sometimes, I really hate money. You don't have money, you can't do jack shit. But you get rich, and a gigantic amount of opportunities opens up. You gain the power to start changing things. But almost all of us won't. We're going to be sitting around paying an ever rising debt for a good portion of our lives. I don't want to be some damned office worker or salesman for my life though. I want to help the human race improve on itself. But I don't have money to help fund anything. I don't have the tools. I know that when I move out, I'm going to be paying to simply get necesseties for a dull life of making money. I'm going to spend my whole life always trying too pay that one debt, and that other one, and that last one, and another suprise one. You see the light at the end of the tunnel, and everytime you almost reach it, it'll get yanked away by something else. And when you finally have got to it, and have got everything paid off, a good portion of your life is gone. You might be at the end of the tunnel, but did that tunnel ever really go anywhere? Did anything you did ever do make a difference?

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    • kentlad121

      I know where you're coming from, but it's an impossible task for one person... it needs to be a team effort! Just wish more people held such altruistic views as you. The world would be a better place!

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  • karmasAbich

    The world has been fucked up for a long time. It's normal to realize this.

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  • zchristian

    Taxes arent bad but when they use the money on some shit i feel like ripping their head off but then again we have plenty of money but i still consider us poor and yes because some people decide not to care about the planet its getting fucked up also people are becoming greedy i though they always where greedy even i keep wanting more...

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    • kentlad121

      Amen to that!

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  • mexiguytex87

    I agree, maybe I'm mad too. Why instead of global worries do people talk about mtv shows about people from jersey? Its horrible what conversations with people has turned into. But what can we do?

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  • glowman

    Were all wonderfully mad. You me and everyone else I have ever met.

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  • lollypoop

    It has always been thus. Seriously read history books from way back and you'll see nothing has changed.

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  • Maybe you've gone mad?

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  • chicken471bologna

    You're just paranoid. I think the one who has gone mad is you.

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    • kentlad121

      Nice that someone delusional has finally commented:) I was beginning to believe the world hadn't gone mad, given the amount of sensible answers here... But thanks to you and your spiteful comment, I still believe there is a part of the human race that is beyond redemption:)

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