Is it normal to belive in ghosts

ok i know its normal to belive in ghots but i LOVE watching things that have demonds in it one time i was so mad at my mom i wanted to summon a demond on her. Wen i lived with my grandmother i was ALWAYS lookig up things aobut demons the devil ghosts and evil stuf like witchs stuff and she told me at one point that she said im doing it to much and i cnt go to the library andy more cause i kept looking up that stuff then wen i moved i stopped then started to look up how to summon a deamond and stuff. I stoped for a while but i still have the SPARK that i want to do it and sum times i DO see ghots well at my grandmas house i moved so not anymore.AM I NORMAL!!! BE HONEST!!!!

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51% Normal
Based on 61 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Irvin

    I know these things because I was in your shoes. I became fascinated with the new age section of the library. I even bought books on how to do magic spells and increase my psychic awareness. At first I was just curious, then I started getting too involved in it. It got to the point where I couldn't control the entities anymore. They started to possess my body. I had nightmares day and night, I started hearing noises and started cutting myself. My point is, be careful friend, it's all a trap!! I had thoughts of killing myself. Finally, the only thing that saved me was when I gave my life to Jesus Christ which is more powerful than demons. He saved me and I could actually feel a weight lifted off my shoulders.

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  • Irvin

    Demons are real, so you have to be extremely careful not to open gateways to let them in our dimension. If you believe in demons, you have to study the history of demons. They are Satan's army. Satan is the enemy of God. The bible talks a lot about demons. Demons are unclean spirits or familiar spirits. Familiar spirits are demons disguised as deceased loved ones. The bible says even the devil can disguise himself as an angel of light. They can shift change. Ghosts do not exist, ghosts are really demons in disguise as humans. The bible says when you die you go to heaven or hell. You don't linger on the earth. This idea was created by movies. But, when you see a spirit, the bible says to challenge them by saying, " in the name of Jesus Christ, show me your true appearance." The demon will manifest into what it really appears like.

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  • You seem like you're really passionate about scary things. :D
    Why not write a novel or make a story about demons?

    I think you're normal, but you're getting a bit too obsessed over it. :3
    Try to get another hobby, because no one wants to talk to someone who only has scary things on their mind all the time!

    It's pretty normal. Oh, and I saw ghosts in my past house too!

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  • CinnamonToast

    It's normal-ish, but not all that smart or reasonable. I'd say you need to grow up.

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  • stillwondering

    The topic is for sure interesting. It's natural to want to learn more, regardless of whether it's real.

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    I beleive in ghosts and I take up magic. I casted a spell just for the fun of it and wasn't expecting anything to happen, And the principle was sick for three days.

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  • jamie1972

    What's a demond?

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  • its normal to belive in ghots and stuff and deamons need to be left alone so if you actually can sumon 1 dont

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  • Her457

    Alot of my classmates do but I don't.

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  • Ever hear of a death pact? It's when you make a pact with someone that the first one to die is suposed to try to make contact with the other I have made three and counting so believing is real but not sure about the demon summon thing

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  • Psychotic_Pacifist

    Believing in Ghosts is no less normal then a belief in God or any kind of religious belife!

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  • U can veleive in anything u want but no it's not normal

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  • okayokay

    Ive seen a lot of ghosts. the more you read into it and believe it, the more susceptible you are to picking up on their vibes.

    my mother and grandmother were both psychics so i was raised to be open to that kind of stuff :)

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  • mtnw

    all of that stuff is fun, but it isn't real.

    you can't summon a deamon on your mom cause you're mad either.

    you have an active imagination.

    phob has an active imagination and mixes it with drugs. what a jerk!

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  • phob

    I think its normal to be curious about that kinda stuff, what we cannot see we dont believe in.

    I think the earth trys to show us the truth in a way when we eat and smoke certain things like shoorms to help us get a different vision since we only see certain colors and stuff.

    Theres been times where I actually felt there was something right in my face looking at me at night as I laydown.

    Some reason everytime I leave my room at night to go get something to eat or something the heater in my living room turns on.

    Its all dark everywhere but my room and I quickly try to get what I was getting and get back to my room where there is light.

    So yeah I think your more than normal, people who arent aware of what could be out there are probably just too busy with living thier life to care or they just dont want to believe in anything but what they already know.

    If I die and turn into a ghost Ill be sure to pay you all a visit just to let you know they are real ;)

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    • CrazedxXxHottie

      thankx >3

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  • Alaxett

    Hmm, honestly? No.

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