Is it normal to bite my nails?
Hello, sometimes I bite my toe nails when I'm bored. Could this possibly be normal or am I mentally weird?
Please let me know what you think as I am worried.
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Hello, sometimes I bite my toe nails when I'm bored. Could this possibly be normal or am I mentally weird?
Please let me know what you think as I am worried.
yes very normal I cant bite mine due to be unflexible so I either pick then and keep them short with clippers.
Normal. You're no mental case. However, people might find the sight of bitten up nails unattractive and disgusting. You might want to try using some bitter tasting nail polish. They sell it online and in beauty supply stores.
If your only deviance is that you bite your toenails, then you are not mentally weird.
I have picked at my toenails with my fingernails, and a couple of times I have bitten the smallest toenail to remove a little bit of nail.