Is it normal to blame president obama for everything?

Hey I have these urges to blame Obama for anything that goes wrong in the world. The earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around? That's all Obama's fault!

I get cancer or AIDS? That's all Obama's fault!

Is this normal?

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 82 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • Unimportant

    I find this post to be stupid.

    And I blame Obama for it.

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  • bfus

    Obama did WTC and the holocaust NEVAR 4GET

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  • dinz

    Here's my opinion, what ever happened to personal responsibility?

    We too played a part in this economic fuck up. Banks were quick to lend to people who obviously didn't have the ability to pay it back, if it was the banks who fucked us (and they ethically did) why hasn't there been a influx in court cases against the banks? It's because the lenders willingly signed the dotted line.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I once heard someone bring that point up in a public discussion setting and was surprised by how many people truly believe that it is the banks' full responsibility to ensure that the borrowers understand the terms and conditions of the loan and the lending process and that giving them the material to read is not enough.

      I myself got to witness the effects of this mortgage deal back about 6-7 years ago (when practically everyone from the ghetto got loans to move into our neighborhood) and the people who got these loans barely had the education to have understood what they were reading, let alone to have realistically actually read it.

      Personal responsibility is a myth.

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      • dinz

        I don't know how to works in the US but I happen work in this industry.

        Our banking and lending systems are regulated in a way that lenders must behave ethically to ensure our clients are in a position where they understand the terms and conditions of their lending agreements.

        The result? Our banking system is one of the safest in the world due to the regulations the government has put into place.

        We were once the laughing stock in most of the Western world for having such a regulated system but in the end it protected not only the banks but also the consumers from falling into a hole.

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        • q25t

          What country do you live in?

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      • bfus

        We were conned. Credit default swaps. It was bullshit and misleading on purpose, there is a difference between that and people just not wanting to pay for stuff.

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    yea hes a piece of shit, i dont like him either

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  • Devyn

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this post is meant to parody the opinions of the American populace, particularly Republicans, rather than being a serious post.

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  • It rained this morning. DAMN YOU OBAMA!!

    I shall make recompense upon you for this outrage!

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Nice try troll.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • Glddraco

      nice try ahole.

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  • 777electric

    My stomach, it hurts from all the lols.

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  • dappled

    Yeah, but he's only been in charge of just one of the world's countries for a few years. In terms of the entirity of the world and its history, he's a complete non-entity. Insects have probably had greater influence. And I don't mean that facetiously.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Not normal. Obama's not the problem. Obama's just been cleaning up all the mess that your buddy Bush left us.

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  • tori

    Obama is not to blame for it. He is just continuing the out of control crap that has been reducing this country to scrap metal.

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  • penguin1

    Obama may be a decent president, but personally, I can't see what changes he's made. My family is still out of work and trying very hard to make ends meet. Where's the help for us Mr. President?

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  • Sarah Palin is the answer.

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  • MacG

    Obama is more of a symptom of the problems we have in this country. So is all of Washington.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    People in this country have the propensity to blame politicians for literally every-fucking-thing that goes wrong with their lives.

    Economic and political issues, I understand, but from talking to some people, you would think that their lives and the way they have conducted themselves are no fault of their own, whatsoever.

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  • suckonthis9

    If you are blaming him for everything, then you should also blame the other mainstream candidate for everything.
    Please watch this and tell me if there is any real difference between the two:

    Please research other candidates and vote for them.

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    • Glddraco

      I'm voting for Obama. Just highlighting the facts is all.

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      • BeautyBodyBrains

        I just left the voting booth voting for OBAMA!

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    I hope this is a joke?

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  • reneerenee

    I am from Texas with a very republican family and its all I hear, "OBAMA DID THIS AND OBAMA DID THAT!" blah blah blah. I'm not political and perhaps I should be more, but I really dont feel like hearing from everyone what the president did for every single problem. Hes not a dictator ok, most things are the peoples OWN damn fault. In this country we always want to blame someone. Its easy to blame the president. Maybe that's his real job, to take shit. Who knows.

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