Is it normal to bleed this much?

i am 22 and bisexual, and ive gotten into a relationship with a guy for the first time in a long time almost 4 months ago, and i’ve decided to go on birth control for the first time. not gonna lie, i wasnt the most consistent with it in the beginning, but i did make sure to take one a day, no matter how late. (usually around the 2.5 hour mark at latest, but one day where i totally forgot and took it at night)

but then around my second packet, after i’ve gotten my period, i started bleeding again five days. then 6 days later, i bled for another 5 days. and now, i’ve just finished bleeding (i think)after three days.

when i was starting to bleed again the second time, i looked up about how birth control can cause abnormal bleeding within the first 3-4 months, and how that is normal, but how much is abnormal is too abnormal?

each time, the blood flow has been just as heavy as the last, and i’m worried i’m losing too much blood? but i’m also wondering that maybe i’m just being paranoid or overthinking it.

for the past several weeks, i’ve been on top of it, taking it at the same time every morning, so i’m not entirely sure why i’ve just now started getting this weird bleeding

edit: idk if this helps, but ever since i started having periods at 12, they’ve always been irregular. i would go 1-3 months without having a period. they didn’t start to get kinda regular until late into my 21st year. would that have to do with anything? or is it irrelevant?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • sweetone89

    Why don't you go to a doctor? I'm really a pro at birth control. You don't mention the kind you are on. That would help. I was 28 when I was diagnosed with endometrial pre-cancer, I bled for 13 months. Straight. So heavy I had to wear adult diapers. I passed clots the size of apples. So, if you have any questions, ask me. God knows I've seen enough gyns I could become one. Are you overweight? If you are, I'd get on a diet through a registered dietian (at a hospital....not some Jenny Craig BS). But, please let me know what birth control yoou are on and I will give you my best opinion on what to do.

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    • oh god, that sounds awful. thank you for your help. i am taking a progestin-only pill called norenthindrone, or something like that.
      and im not over weight, but my diet isn’t the best either.

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      • sweetone89

        Progestin only can make you bleed or it can make it stop. In my experience with progestin only, it will make you bleed like crazy and after a few months, it will either severely decrease or stop altogether. So, keep taking it at the same time each day and I'd wait a month or so and if your bleeding isn't regulated, go back to the doctor. It is probably cleaning out your uterus of all the old blood when you didn't get your periods.

        My gyn oncology nurse told me bleeding becomes an emergency when you soak through a pad in one hour or less and it doesn't stop.

        Please, please, get your diet in tip top shape and stay within your good weight range. I was so obsese (367 pounds) that it nearly caused cancer.

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        • thank you for the advice. this has really helped a lot!

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  • Vvaas

    maybe you have pcos?

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  • litelander8

    Birth control is terrible for you.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Ive always just used condoms.

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