Is it normal to break up and get back together all the time?

My boyfriend and I often fight with each other, and either me or him calls it off in the end, breaking up. The next day, we act like it never happened, and we are still together. Is this normal?

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27% Normal
Based on 15 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • ellnell

    I dated a guy in high school who did that with his ex, as it turned out even when neither of them were single... It's immature and toxic and there's obviously a reason why it keeps ending and you're both probably insanely codepedent people. You need to end it for good and realize that the only reason you are stuck together is because you keep getting fooled by the honeymoon phase of getting back together as well as being used to each other. I think that people like that who eventually settle down together do it because at least one of them has run out of options and doesn't want to be forever alone... Which is bound to happen if you have crazy history with an ex you won't full end things with, that is a great way to drive potential new partners away. Everyone knows what the two of you are like eventually and will to every price avoid dating you to not get caught up in some nasty triangle drama.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I bet you two don't understand what boundaries are.

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    • I'm just afraid of being alone...

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Depends on what you're fighting about and what's going on in each of your lives. If you both have mental health problems, family problems etc then fighting often can happen but you should really go to individual therapy. If one or both of you don't really have anything incredibly wrong mentally or in your individual lives you should go to couple's therapy as long as the fights don't involve purposely hurting one another whether emotionally or physically.

    Fighting in a relationship is normal but fighting and breaking up often is a sign of instability. If you really love each other and are willing to work through it, you should try to listen more to each other and seek therapy.

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  • Sanara

    I always thought about breaking up as more permanent, it means you want them out of your life or at least less close. If it happens over and over its kind of like you don't really think through either the breaking up part or the getting back together part

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  • dGraves6

    It's quite normal but it's not very healthy. It could work out or it may not but you're for sure to have problems throughout your own again off again relationship. I wish you the best of luck cuz I've been there before

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  • The couple that fights together, stays together

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly, that doesn't sound very healthy.

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  • Somenormie

    Yes that happens to some people, sometimes it can end up as the person breaking up permanently.

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