Is it normal to bring my guitar with me everywhere?

So.. I have this problem (well maybe not a problem exactly) where I end up bringing my sexy guitar just about everywhere I go, if possible/allowed.

It's a bird, it's a plane... NO! It's that random guy who brought his guitar to the mall and is sitting in the corner playing it. That's one case. Another case would be walking into a movie theater and all people see in the abyss of the movie theater is a large black case that seems to be in the shape of a guitar. Shit. The little bastard has done it again, he seems to be at his friend's house. What if the guy has to use the bathroom? He takes the little bastard with him. When he's in the bathroom with the guitar, you know some shit's about to go down... Literally and figuratively. Etc. Etc. and so on.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
35% Normal
Based on 78 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Uzzie101

    Yes, people who carry their guitar around always look like douchebags. I love my guitar - but I hate people who bring it around with them. It's also ridiculous to say you don't like attention, but you still insist on carring your guitar around. I'm not saying you're looking for attention, but, you're getting it. If you don't like attention, don't attract it!!
    Why can't you just play it at home? Or in a band? I mean, there is NOTHING more annoying then someone playing their guitar in public, when "they're not looking for attention, they just love playing it!" If you sooooo love to play it, you should have no problem playing it in private, away from the weather which destroys the strings and paintwork.

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    • IrishPotato

      Not really. Frankly, this dude is awesome to me.

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      • Uzzie101

        No, it's a real douchy thing to do. Imagine if everyone who played an instrument just carried theirs around...

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        • IrishPotato

          I'd like to live in that world.

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          • Uzzie101

            You can all dream about it if you want, but in reality it would be beyond irritating.

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  • Echoes

    So without the guitar you're unrecognizable or even noticeable?

    You're too starved for attention. Not good, dude.

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    • IsItNormalOrNotBitch

      What the hell are you talking about? I don't carry around my guitar for attention. I carry it around because I love playing. In fact, I hate attention, but the fact that the guitar might bring some doesn't make me want to stop playing. Whether or not I am making a big deal of it or not I don't like the fact that you suddenly assume that I do it for attention and to be noticed. I am outgoing enough and friendly enough to be noticed if I WANTED to be noticed. Sorry, but that's just offensive to just assume such a thing.

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  • Clambones

    I sure hope you don't bring it in the shower with you...

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  • charli.m

    Why to a movie theatre? If you're playing it in there, then you are a jerk. If you're not, you're just bringing it in, then what the fuck?

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  • wiip100

    if you play it everywhere, good, the practise should help! most fantastic guitarists have always been inseperable from their axes.

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    • IsItNormalOrNotBitch

      Thank you. :D I'm glad to see some people are supportive.. Hopefully I could become good enough one day to share my music with everyone.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I think it's great that you are so dedicated to playing it. I bet you could make better music then the music you hear in films. I'd listen to your music any day than to have to listen to autotune crap. But taking it on the loo? No, I don't think that's a good idea. But at least you'd be prepared for a situation that called for music!!!!

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  • IrishPotato

    Playing it in a movie theatre... Hell, I'd stare at you, not the movie. THE HELL WITH MOVIES!

    No but seriously, I would love to be your friend, and hear you play while you take a shit.

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