Is it normal to burn cockroaches?
So I live in my New York apartment and at night I get my fair share of roaches. They're the fast moving brown ones and I hate them because when I turn on the light they freeze then run for their shitty lives. So I pick up my shoe but I don't aim to squish, I aim to stun, so hopefully no guts or anything flies out. After I stun them, I pick them up with incense sticks the way one would use chopsticks. I put them on my stove burner and after gathering what I can get, I burn the hell out of them, until they're crispy black and enjoy it immensely. Sometimes I hear this low squeal that probably is the fire burning their bodies, but to me it sounds like their agonizing last breath of torture. After that, I leave their roasted bodies for the others to dare to show their ugly selves. IIN?