Is it normal to buy and read such holy books?
I have 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures', a holy book by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and I've read it, God's a God of Love, and Truth, Spirit, Divine Mind, are blessings. Although Christian Scientists don't have to dress like Christians, I'll dress like a Christian, I'm only concerned with spiritual things, I act on His will. And I only obey God, I don't obey human beings. I'm decided on my faith: I'm a Christian Scientist, and am having a free Bible posted to me. The testimony of Christian Science is really a cherry-picked selection of words in the Bible, it's not the whole Bible, it only concerns Genesis and the Apocalypse. After reading some of that book I'm cleansed, and now am a changed man. I listen to Christian radio on Vision Australia, but can't quite get hold of a Christian Science radio station. I'm planning to get one more book by Mary Baker Eddy, for the sake of a history lesson. My only learning is holy learning, I reject education and endeavour to teach religion to the masses. My aim is maybe to start my own religion, one of Zius, and making up my own rules. However these rules are Zius's rules so it's spiritual, and I know the difference between invented rules and spiritual rules. Being millions of restrictions: what to eat, do this, don't do that, and do that this way, isn't God or Christianity, and it clearly states in 'Science and Health' that any healing by drugs is anti-Christian. I understand that this tends to be extremist, people think I'm following a cult, when really it's a quasi-cult. Is that normal?