Is it normal to change this much this fast?

I've noticed a rather large change in myself over the past several months. Back then, I would have been described as very Catholic, prolife, anti gay marriage, and politically moderate. Now pretty much all of those things have changed. I'm now agnostic, on the fence on abortion, pro gay marriage, and libertarian. I could list more but it would take a while.

The bad part is no one in my family or any of my friends at school know any of this so it's like I'm living a double life.

I do realize that going through some life changes in college is fairly normal but is this, this fast much common?

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88% Normal
Based on 32 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Abortions should only be used if you are a rape victim. Killing children is wrong. People should take responsibility for fucking around instead of being little harlots. Also believing in god does not mean you have to hate gays.

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    • I'm still on the fence about abortion. I know all of the arguments for and against it and just haven't made up my mind.

      I know believing in god doesn't mean you have to hate gays. Two of the changes happened to be on those two topics. They weren't related.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Pictures worth 1000 words.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

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      • 1000yrVampireKing,r:3,s:0,i:173,r:4,s:0,i:176

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        • Trust me, there is nothing you can post or say that will sway me at this point. I have seen all the pictures, read all the statistics, determined fact from fiction, and come up with no clear answer.

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  • Japande

    im in the same boat, i wasnt at all the same person a year or two ago. im taking a little time to really find out who i am. its normal, people change. its totally a thing when youre young. at least thats what i hear.

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  • frist

    Try finding and reading The Road Less Traveled by M.Scott Peck. You are growing up spiritually. Don't fight it or hide it, learn about it.

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  • ProcrastoMan

    Yes it's normal. Some, actually a lot of people experience this in college - maybe not that extreme but you may wind up coming back towards your original viewpoints in time and find more of a middle ground. I still describe myself as Christian but I've had difficulty with my faith in certain areas over the last few years (while in college). I believe in God and pray fairly often but there's some things about the Bible and other Christian's views that I find disheartening - ex: would a loving God let people suffer for eternity for not accepting Jesus as their savior, in spite of how good they may be?

    My sister is gay (or at least bisexual) and my parents are more conservative, anti-gay marriage Christians (not overly-conservative, thank God) so this has been a tense issue for my family. It's not like you HAVE to talk about this stuff with you friends and family, but you may find that some people (mostly friends) have become more 'liberal' as well, and might be able to relate to you. I have friends I went to church with that have become more liberal like me and it's very refreshing, because we're aware of the expectations of our parents & church, so it's kind of fun, because we're rebelling in a way :)

    Anyway, don't worry about it, we're molded by our experiences and you have a lot left to experience, so you probably aren't through changing anyway!

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