Is it normal to chat up waiters and bartenders?

I'm a middle aged gay white guy who enjoys flirting with attractive young male servers and bartenders. I don't think I'm obnoxious in my attentions, tip well, and am known as a regular in the establishments I frequent. Am I being a creepy old coot?

Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 52 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • onehenn

    plenty of women flirt on random men, is there anything creepy about that?

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  • I think it would depend on the personality of the guy who is on the receiving end of your flirtations. Some may appreciate it, but I bet the majority are a little creeped out (they don't say anything though because they are paid to be nice to you, or they hope you'll give a nice tip). If it makes you happy and you're really not hurting anyone in the process; why not! At least your not under the delusion that every guy that you flirt with wants the attention.

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  • i do not think this is normal< me and my mom were talking and i brought up the subject gay guys and girls and we are MEGA SEMI christens and she said you and all the others have spirits over you idk what they are called but, that is wut she said.

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  • halboug

    it would be creepy if u hit on young women
    so this is creepy on a couple of levels

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  • rltg4711

    You are perfectly normal.
    Perhaps you could chat me up and flirt with me.
    I would like that.

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