Is it normal to check blood pressure yet smoke and eat junk?

Is it normal for someone to smoke cigarettes, eat junk food, and then, as baffling as this can be, check their blood pressure while gleefully imagining that it will be in the ideal range? I think that's equivalent to hitting yourself in the head with a large brick over the day, every day, assuming no bruising or damage will come of it.

People that do the above are the spitting image of futile dumb imbecile.

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60% Normal
Based on 15 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Kinda like checking your progress on your journey of self destruction.

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  • Short4Words

    "Maybe I can fit one more cheeseburger in."

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  • Goomats

    Some people actually have good blood pressure and make unhealthy choices. It depends on how young they are and genetic factors.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Sure it's normal. Most people don't go all healthy until they have a stroke or something. I'm not joking, it's pretty true.

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