Is it normal to chew blu-tac?

has anyone every done this? on accident or on purpose and is it normal to do so?

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 237 votes (125 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • GeorgeMcBob

    Blu-tac contains hexachlorobenzene, which is a mild stimulant, and can produce feelings of elevated energy and euphoria.

    But beware: Not only is it addictive if you consume it often, it is also highly carcinogenic.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      Yum yum. Cancer.


      What ever happened to just chewing gum? Now people have to chew weird crap to get high?

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    there's this thing called chewing gum...

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  • MissCzech

    Obviously not..

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  • RinTin

    I prefer play-doh myself.

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    • Frosties

      Can you still get that stuff? I loved the way it smells. I used to have loads but someone told me you could cook it to make the models hard and permanent.

      Putting it in the microwave didn't appear to do the trick. :/

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      • RinTin

        I've seen it around in at least one drug store and I'm not sure, but I would guess Toys R Us still carries it.

        Maybe air dry it then put it in the oven and air dry it again? You could probably coat it with something so it doesn't crack/ fall apart. Just a guess.

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