Is it normal to consider sex a disgrace to humanity?
These are my opinions. I desire you to tell me if they are normal to have or not.
Sexual practice has been considered a depraved thing, something forbidden, something horrible. But what I find very disturbing is that even though we call it out for being a depraved practice, most of us choose to participate in it. We are hypocrites.
Currently, sexual behavior is increasing the world's population by an enormous rate, it will peak at 12 billion around the end of the next century. there are so many kids that we cannot feed them. our cities are bursting at the seams.
And all because we are sick in the head.
Now, I shouldn't say "WE." I have taken a vow of celibacy and will stay a virgin until I die. But the rest of you, probably most of you on this sight, have partaken in bizarre and horrible acts.
Just think, if half of the world's population swore to celibacy, each person could own thirty acres of land, the kids we did have would grow up and have plenty of room too, and population would be solved.
Birth control is not a valid option. By giving out devices which prevent pregnancy, we are only teaching people to forgo responsibility and we have not stopped the sex. I see a valid alternative.
We should just grow babies some other way. The moment we found DNA, the secret of life was cracked open. Now, we don't have to have sex to reproduce, we can grow babies in tubes and give them to parents. It's the same thing. But we do not choose to advance in this field of science simply because we are addicted to sexual pleasure. It is a vicious and depraved cycle.
If we take our children as a standard, a group without influence, fresh from nothing, then why do we get naked and rub all over our bodies while they don't? It's because they haven't heard about sex, they don't know about it, and they don't care. they haven't been influenced by older idiots.
The level of sexual dependency has been on the rise throughout the ages. One hundred years ago, Sex was hardly even a thing. Porno was mild and bland. Now, we regard sexual behavior as something normal, something to do every day, and this is a wrong mindset.
I am ok with affection. But lust and love are different emotions, different concepts. Love is sweet and nice, and it can function without love. Lust is a useless carryover from our primitive days, when we needed warmth.
I have no romantic life, but it does not affect me. I have arrived at the conclusion that romance is only for people who can't function on their own, who desire continual conversation, and who enjoy companionship. If you have faith in yourself, you have no need for romance.
Sexual behavior, if you take away the fact that humans do it on a regular basis, looks like science fiction. Two people get naked, both genital organs look like some kind of alien hybrid mutant weird thing, there's a clear, viscous liquid involved, filled with little cells, and then the woman gets pregnant like in the alien movie or something. It's just weird. And all the blood and the baby covered in do people consider this adorable? It's grotesque!
Anyway, these are my thoughts. Tell me if thinking in this reasonable, rational, and perfectly sane way is normal. I realize that I am a minority here. Thank you!