Is it normal to constantly bite off loose skin inside of your mouth?

I feel like a lot of people do this, but I do it to the extreme that it becomes obsessive until the skin's gone and i don't care how stupid I look when I'm doing it. It's kind of a recent thing for me, though--I've only been doing it for about two years. My parents say it's stress, but honestly, it would have to be a really delayed reaction because I'm never currently stressed when I do it. Also, I'll sometimes go a whole month w/o doing it...and then start back randomly. It's not just the inside of my cheeks, though--it's also the inside and outside of my lips (especially the corners). Basically, any loose skin in/around my mouth.

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 104 votes (85 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • normalfeet

    Sometimes I get frustrated b/c I can't reach some of the loose skin inside my cheek

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  • kittyg7113

    Yeah, it's normal. I used to do it all the time, then got annoyed because my mouth was always sore. Use mouthwash to heal your mouth (or salt and water), then establish a competing behavior, like chewing gum.

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  • Rainyforrest

    Completely normal.
    Almost everyone does it one or more times in their life.

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  • ThatUglyDoll

    I do this too. Especially when stressed or pissed.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Holy fuck nuts, I'm doing it right now.

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  • ThatKidTotallyRocks

    I do this too

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