Is it normal to constantly think things are bad?

I wasn't sure how to phrase that but what I mean is I always think things in my life aren't going well even though they totally are. I had a job all through high school and I constantly thought I was going to be fired. When I left for college my boss teared up because she didn't want me to go. I'm in school and I constantly think I'm going to fail out, but I have never gotten anything lower than a B. I work in a lab and I always think they want to get rid of me. I stayed to work over the summer and I was convinced that come fall semester they would kindly tell me that they didn't require my help anymore but yesterday they asked if I had picked a new project, as in, they expect me to stay. I always think my boyfriend is going to break up with me and the last couple days I truly thought it was over since he's out of town and we hadn't been talking much but last night he sent me a text saying he was out with friends who were complaining about their girlfriends and he wanted me to know how happy he is with me and how much he loves me. What the hell is my deal like why do I do this to myself? Does anyone else do this? Does anyone know how I can STOP doing this?!

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Parky_Parker

    It sounds like you need to give yourself a break. It's okay to not be perfect. Stop wasting time being so afraid of your life, especially when you haven't done anything wrong.

    At work, why would they fire you for no reason? As long as you're doing your job, being honest, and not messing around, you're okay. Since you now know that you are expected to stay, know that you are a valuable worker. Remind yourself that you are VALUABLE.

    As far as your boyfriend goes, try to enjoy the relationship today. Don't worry so much about what might happen tomorrow or next week.

    "I accept myself unconditionally right now." Say that every day for 30 days and see how you feel.

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  • Mrs_Hatake

    Hey there. Being insecure about life is totally normal but it does kinda sound like you may have an anxiety disorder. I have my own anxiety issues & have friends who have it much worse than me so I do know where you're coming from. Counseling or a CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) course/book would be a great idea. It will just help you challenge your belief system which is currently firmly stuck on Thewholeworldsgonnagotoshitijustknowit/Pessamism and help u to realise the world's a pretty great place and not everything is gonna go wrong :)
    Good luck x

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  • TareBear20

    Being insecure is a normal thing.

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  • noid

    Anxiety. Try cognitive therapy or books like "Think Good Feel Good" by David Burns if I remember the correct title/author.

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  • mountain-man82

    I wouldnt say its normal, but doesnt seem bad. It seems that you are using fear to make you work harder and are getting good results. Just make sure that you dont stress yourself out though.

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