Is it normal to constantly worry about my mother dying?

Ever since I can remember, I've had this fear that my mom will die on her way to work or while out and I won't know until I'm contacted by police or something. My mother drives 1 1/2 hours to and from work everyday, rain, snow, or sunshine.She has always told me that she will probably die in a car accident. It's not like she's old and close to the end of her life or anything; she's a vibrant 40 something year old. If I don't hear from her every morning that she's arrived to work, I freak out, thinking depressing thoughts, etc. This has happened to me since childhood; if she left the house for a couple hours and didn't tell me when she was coming home or call me/ if she went out and it got really late at night and she didn't call me to tell me she was alright (I would sit by the front door and cry my eyes out).

Just this morning she hadn't contacted me for three hours, so I emailed her colleague and called her office (she didn't answer, only fueling my worry). I was so effing scared, but thank goodness she is ok. This doesn't happen often (first time I felt the need to contact her colleague), but I am constantly worried that she'll just be gone and I'll never see her again. I feel like I can't possibly live without her, I can't imagine functioning in life without her, she's such an integral part of my life.

What can I possibly do to not feel so scared all the time? Does anyone else deal with something similar? Btw, this is just with my mom. No body else in the family.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Pyroki

    I do the same exact thing! It just means you really care about your mother :) Try to ease up a little though, she's a grown woman and can probably take good enough care of herself.

    To help keep myself from getting nervous thoughts I try to remind myself that she trusts me enough to go out on my own and not get killed, and refrain from calling me every so often until I come home, so I should do the same for her.

    And remember just to enjoy and treasure the time you have with her now instead of wasting it by constantly worrying.

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  • Shrunk

    I have this problem too... but with everyone that i care about, and all the time :S If they weren't home at a usual time, i would think they died, and i would be afraid to call them cause i would imagine someone else would answer to tell me they're dead; or if they don't answer i would get more scared. plus, i had this weird superstition that if i think bad things, they will happen; but at the same time if i don't worry at all then some made-up being will think i don't care and let them die. I know that's crazy but yeah. even sometimes when they are sleeping, i don't want to be weird and go in the room to see if they're okay, but i think what if they died in there.
    also whenever i go out i feel like im going to die, like at every intersection while driving i visualize someone running the light at high speeds and hitting me, or getting shot by some psychopath on a killing spree or something. i know it's irrational to worry so much but it just happens. i think it is just generalized anxiety.

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  • beele

    I feel the same way, just out of the blue sometimes if I don't know what my mom's doing or where she's at I fear the worst. I also dream about it too, but I feel that my case is related to the relationship we have.
    She's always been the single most important and almost the only constantly present person in my life.

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