Is it normal to contract someone elses fear or feelings?

I feel like when I go on this site and help people out that I might have the same problem that they have. Does that make me weak minded? And nothing of this has ever happened before, I'm just saying for future reference if it does happen. But to get back on topic, today I read a post about how this person rubs their pillow for comfort from anxiety, I always have this weird feeling like I might do this one day, and literally be addicted to it.. Has anyone else ever felt this way, like you might contract a phobia or feeling? Please respond :D

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RaiieannaDaurken

    I don't think actually doing the same things as someone else is normal, and "contracting" a phobia is hogwash. An emotion, maybe, in the mob lynch sense of "contracting". Phobias are not diseases and are not contagious. They are mental disorders, most often brought on by severe cases of trauma, and associated with one or more other mental disorders. To say you "contracted" a phobia is utter nonsense. To be a hypochondriac and think that every freaking thing that's wrong with everyone around you, yeah...still hogwash, but more logical.

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  • Flirty108

    That's is a great Question....Is that Normal? I have no idea actually. But I do it all the time yo!

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  • summeri56

    No your just thinking that because other people do it. We are all different,that doesnt mean you will do it.You just sound real impressionable.

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  • You must be extremely empathetic. I think it is normal if you are very impressionable.

    I've never felt that way myself though.

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