Is it normal to create fictional stories in my head?

Is it normal to create fictional stories in my head that involve real people?
I think a lot, and ever since I was a kid I would give characters life inside my head. The problem is that I create fictional characters in my mind, and incorporate them into stories that involve very real people. For example, the teenager I have created in my head is an actor, and I want to put him in a role, so mentally I remove the real life actor and replace him with my character. In my mind these characters are almost real and I find myself thinking about them all the time.
People have told me to write about these characters, but I can't because they are involved with real people in my mind.
So, it this normal? Do other people do this?

Voting Results
90% Normal
Based on 98 votes (88 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • When I go to bed, I think of stories. I've made up in an entire fantasy saga in my head and every night my head thinks up a new chapter.

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  • SweetandTenderHooligan

    For as long as I can remember I have been making up stories in my head...I never share them.
    The first one I made really serious took me about two years to finish and I still often revisit it and add on.
    I also make elaborate stories about my future, every night.

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  • Knitpicky

    It's perfectly normal! I do this all the time, though I write the stories down and post them for people to read. It's called fan-fiction. In fact, if you google it, I'm sure you'll come across a cornucopia of fiction that includes your actors! Check out or just google 'fanfiction' and websites hosting stories will pop up, galore! In every genre. Reading these may also give you a new plot idea, or help boost that author side in you and have you writing them down to share in no time =^^=

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  • You can still write fictional stories with real people in them, I think it's called metafiction.

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ Agreed :-D You should totally be a writer

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  • bigguy2010

    The real reason you do not write them down might be that you don't want to. You know you could change the names to protect the innocent. You are focused on a challenge rather than focusing on how to overcome said challenge.

    So the real question might be... Why don't you want to write them down?

    In the meantime, enjoy those fantasies.

    Best Wishes!

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  • Congrats! You have a future as a writer. Now, write me a good story.

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  • NoelMel

    I do that!

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  • Faceless

    I do this too! Then i yell at my furniture for judging me. I kid, I do this to an extent of just imagining having full conversations, Basically typical daydreaming stuff. I dont know if your normal though. I wish there was a maybe button.

    “Life’s too much of an adventure as it is without making anything else up.”
    -franklyn(good movie)

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  • Same problem here. If you want to write a story think of a movie you have seen that might make your story and tweak it just enough to make it your own.

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