Is it normal to cry a long time after losing a pet?

Today one of my friends posted a pic of a cat that looked a lot like my deceased cat. So then I looked through pictures of my animals, and when I saw her pic I started to cry. She's been gone for almost 2 years now. And then I started thinking of all the past pets I've had, and couldn't stop crying!
To clarify, I don't constantly think of them. I don't always cry. But if I happen to think about them I still was even 15 years ago (but she was in the family before I was born).
So, IIN?

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85% Normal
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Comments ( 21 )
  • kellstar79

    They become family members so it's very normal even if it was a long time ago

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  • karmasAbich

    My cat and I grew up together, he was just a kitten when I was 7,
    12 years later ,he's still alive, but when he passes, I know I'm going to be crushed. Completely normal.

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  • Syren345

    Hey there. I love this post. Trust me, this si COMPLETELY normal. Absolutley. Pet loss has been the subject of so, so much study. When a pet lives, it becomes a famil member. You attatch to it like you would a best friend. You feed and water and bathe them, you grow them, nuture them, the only difference is pets never leave till they die. When they die, essentially, it hurts more than a person. You can talk to a person, you can say goodbye in your own tounge. Pet's don't speak. You never converse. Pets are very loyal, obedient, lovely family members. That's why families get their children pets. To learn how to raise something, to lose something. I lost my black lab in february of 2012. Damn bone cancer to hell! Friend, I'm crying while typing this. I was with my mom when we got her (My dog Sequoia after the type of tree) back in 2003. God i loved her. I'm crying, cause i miss her so much. I cut myself, because she wasn't just an animal, she was my best friend. Trust me my friend, emotions are normal, no matter what the situation or how long ago, there is no set ammount of time for the griefing process to occur. Some people never get through it and never own another animal. I hope your sweet furry baby is frolicking in the meadows of heaven, waiting for you. All our loved one and pets are. If you need someone to talk to about your lost friend, please, don't hesitate to message me. PEACE EVERYONE! HAPPY SPRING BREAK!

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    • Pappagiorgio

      I too am crying as i type this! I'm gonna have to put my Bullmastiff Brutus to sleep in a few days from cancer as well mast cell tumors. He is my everything!!! He is only 5 1/2 years old and does not deserve this. He is a once in a lifetime dog. He has a way of making everyone feel so incredibly loved and needed. I know i will never get over this! Everytime i here the song by Keith Urban "With Out You" I brake down instantly and can't stop crying. I will love you forever Brut!!!

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      • I'm so sorry. But you know you are doing the best thing for him, so he doesn't have to suffer. I know it's the hardest thing to do, but I hope you can be with him when it happens. All of my animals through my life that've had to be put down for whatever reason except 1, I was with. That 1 I wasn't with is the cat that I asked this question about. She had cancer, and the tumors on her skin had burst and she was bleeding and in pain. I was dealing with a serious illness at the time and had to have my mom take her. I think that's part of the extra pain I feel, I feel guilty for not being with her.
        But I think they're more comfortable when their people are with them...It is like losing a family member. Scratch that, it is losing a family member. But don't ever let that pain keep you from loving another animal. Brutus would want you to love another dog the way you've loved him.

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  • penguin1

    Of course it's normal. I still cry when I think about the cats I've lost. It's been almost 10 years with one of them.

    It's like what kellstar wrote. They're members of your family so it's normal to be sad when you think about them. I cried for three days straight when I lost my one. He was my best friend and I had a tough time when I lost him. A few weeks ago, I found a poem I wrote for him. I cried all day. We were really close.

    Don't feel bad about crying. It IS the normal thing to do.

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  • nAt2017

    Humans are wired to feel amounts of empathy. A pet is a family member in almost every way. Of course it's normal.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes, of course!

    I cried when my fish died!

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  • I am going to be devastated when my dog dies. He is a pit bull and about 6 yrs old.

    Totally normal to remember them and cry, but think about the good life you gave them more then the fact that they are dead.

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  • alv1592

    Chicken471bologna, that was mean!
    And yes, it's normal. I love my pets a lot and I'll be devastated when they die. :(

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  • joybird

    You are using the pets to release your hormonal feelings especially if you're crying over one you didn't even know.

    However, I can still cry over my favourite dog that died more than 15 years ago. He was only 8 years old :o(

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    • No, I never cried over any I never met. The one that was in the family before I was born was with me until I was almost 13. I've seen pictures of her trying to nurse me she had a few litters and knew I was a baby. But I grew up with animals & never had a time without pets in my life.

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      • joybird

        I think it's perfectly normal to cry and the saddest thing is that they don't really live too long. There is never a good time for them to die. I have a rescue dog now and she is 9yo - which is a bit of a worry to me. I swore I wouldn't let another dog get to me but she's such a wee angel.

        One thing I have learned is not to leave it too long before you replace them. It does help you to get over a loss.

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  • chicken471bologna

    So not normal. Animals aren't even human they are disgusting low-life creatures that good for nothing except for being eaten.

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    • And obviously more loyal and loving than you. I actually feel sad for you, that you're so hardened against animals. The joy that companion animals bring into people's lives is immeasurable. And non-companion animals are still amazing creatures to watch and even interact with.
      As you can see the majority of people think more of animals than you do. Therefore I say to you that YOU are the low-life creature.

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      • chicken471bologna

        You mad bro? Hahaha

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        • No, I just think you're one of those people I would never trust. It's one thing to be allergic and therefore not have pets, or even a phobia, but I don't trust people who just don't like animals. Animals are great judges of character, and I'm sure they don't like you either.

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          • chicken471bologna

            Actually, I have a dog and he loves me very much. But I think PETA whackos like you are crazy.

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            • LOL I'm far from anyone in PETA. I love animals, but I also enjoy a good steak. But since you're obviously so smart, I'm sure you already knew that. What a troll. I'm done with you.

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