Is it normal to deny that people you love will go to hell?

I'm not religious, mind you. This is just my observation of Christians I know.

It seems that Christians always think that a person that they love, or like, will go to heaven (or IS in heaven) even though they didn't follow Jesus and/or the word of God. It's like they just ignore that key factor.

Muslims on the other hand, are not so cavalier about the matter. If you fuck up, you're not in heaven, if you don't fuck up you're IN, love you or hate you.

What's the point, if you don't take it seriously at all? Or are you just in denial that a person you love is in hell?

Does anyone else notice this?

Is it normal to deny what very well may be the reality that loved ones may be in hell?

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70% Normal
Based on 37 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • It's a coping method.

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    • Right but if the reality of heaven/hell were taken more seriously wouldn't it be more beneficial in general, to the religion AND the individual?

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      • Perhaps it would, but, sometimes people prefer fantasy to reality. It's easier.

        Christianity is supposed to be about forgiveness, doing good, loving your enemies, stuff like that... perhaps they think, or hope that God and Jesus will be merciful.

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        • NeuroNeptunian


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  • GlassDarkly31

    Your already in hell.

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    • IDK, I feel pretty good, maybe I'm in heaven?

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  • zchristian

    Even though im a Christian noone can really say if heaven or hell actually exsist.

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    • Yeah except God and Jesus.

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  • thegirlknows

    im christian and i have an aunt who i love very much but has done not so good things and i really dont think she will go to hevaen unless she quits doing what shes doing

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  • Irvin

    I'm a Christian and I have also noticed what you are talking about. Everyone wants to think that their family member or friend is in heaven even if they didn't believe in Jesus Christ or led a bad life. The truth is they are most likely in hell. You can't pick the good things you like from Christianity and ignore the bad things. Either you believe everything or don't. Even Jesus said he wished we were either hot or cold, not luke warm. He said the luke warm will be spit out of his mouth.

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    • chewy

      Do you have any proof that Hell exists?

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  • myownopinions

    Yeah, but if the lover is convinced that their love is in hell, then they might do something bad to try to 'join' them. I would hate to think of someone that I love as burning in a pit of flames or whatever. So yes, it is normal.

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  • chewy

    Your post wasn't typed very well. Most true Christians not the ones who say they are believe in bullshit fairy tales and don't wake up! this is hell already you don't need fire under the floor deep down the earth for it to be hell, and that is a complete myth as there can't be fire deep down the earth, it would just put out with all the wind from different holes in different directions under the ground. Religion is crap, what about just living life freely without having to be in some religion brain washing you with lies without people thinking it's true? too many people that say praying to God or Jesus helps with your problems they are unaware of reality as it's false, what happened to being independent huh? relying on an imaginary man in the sky won't do shit you have to help yourself first.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      So true so true. It's called the "Victim Mentality" and millions of people on a deep psychological level believe in this reality, which by default creates it.

      A conundrum indeed, because to tell someone to forsake everything they believe in and what they have been taught since their early childhood is too much of a strain for some to take. They refuse to acknowledge even in the face of mounting evidence that probability overrules possibility in just about every matter.

      People believe what they want to believe, either because they are afraid or they just can't imagine to grasp something else. Fear is a great tool to sway the masses and an eternal fire after you die does it for millions. The hilarious thing stated by the (original storyteller) is that those who you love or like go to heaven even if they did not add up to the "moral code". LOL what you have to take into account is that almost EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEONE WHO ALSO LOVES SOMEONE IN THIS WORLD SO BY THAT LOGIC VIRTUALLY NOBODY WOULD GO TO HELL!

      Chew on that.

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      • chewy

        This is true, there is some girl I barely know and when I say I don't believe in God she says I'm going to Hell It's hilarious! I laugh at her.

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        • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

          Isn't it? lol these people have no idea what a maze they are thinking such as. I mean can no one grasp the idea that geniuses probably would create a psychological and generational experiment to control masses of people with fear and moral codes. It's ludicrous! lo...

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          • chewy

            There are other stupid people like Satanists and Wiccans those bitches are insane too and many more.

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  • Frosties

    Interesting. Muslims do seem to be more practical about it. But then they often take their religion more seriously. This isn't mean to inflame Christians, by the way. More an observation that there are varying levels of devotion to Christianity.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think we all, to some extent, deny that the people we love have problems sometimes, even if we know the truth. Especially after our loved one is dead and we realize that they no longer have the chance to "qualify" so to speak, and that there is nothing more we could do for them. We're reminded that no matter what the pretty songs or poems say, sometimes, there is such thing as too late to act.

    In the Mormon religion, people still have the chance to repent in the afterlife. Their heaven isn't as "glamorous" as it is for someone who repented on earth but it is heaven, nonetheless. I think... I hope, that God takes into account a person's deeds, thoughts, and character as well. Punishing a good person because of the church they did or didn't attend sounds too illogical even for the Judeo-Christian version of God.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    I have a friend who is a nurse.

    People die on her and come back all the time. Sometimes after they're already in a body bag.

    I asked her "what do they say when they come back?"

    they all say they saw a bright light and a feeling of weightlessness as if they were floating toward it... Make up your own fucking mind.

    Believe it, or walk about wondering and fearing the unknown.

    Is it normal? Obviously.

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  • Anime7

    People enjoy living in the beautiful lie instead of the harmful truth. I don't think it is just Christians who exhibit the reaction that you mentioned, I think it's everybody.

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    • Right, but you'd have to believe in some sort of a heaven and hell for this to be relevant....

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      • Anime7

        I thought that was implied. The beautiful lie that I was referring to was believing that your friend is in Heaven.

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  • I'm not christian or anything but I believe the people I love are in heaven because I know I dont have any bad friends. Thier all just good people and good people dont go to hell. I know they'll go to heaven they've done and lived good lives though I alson know there are some people I cant help love that I'm pretty sure will end up in hell. For instance some of my family members are really horrible people with the way they think... they proably end up in hell...

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    • chewy

      Your assumption of good and bad is false. Earth is Hell already.

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