Is it normal to desire people to call you by a female name when your a male

Is it ok for a man to want to be called by a female name and be listed as female on their medical records in doctor office, such as family practice, dentist, eye and not want to have a sex change operation

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33% Normal
Based on 9 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Mini69

    As I understand it there are 2 types of transgender, pre opp and post opp. Some pre opps choose to remain this way permanently, so retain their birth gender genitals. These days there are also people who are gender fluid which apparently means they identify as both genders at different times regardless of their genitalia. There is also gender neutral where people refuse to identify what gender they are but instead identify as having no gender preferences. I can’t say I fully understand all this but apparently these days the only rule is you have to accept people are what they say they are, even if it is clearly obvious they are not.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Is it just that you don’t want surgery or that you don’t want to be perceived as a woman at all? Some trans people chose not to have surgery due to expense and the risk of complications but they are still trans.

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    • jodi1955

      i want to be perceived as a woman, want full size breast but cannot afford the operation,

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      • Mini69

        Then you should dress and behave in a way which is appropriate for a woman. Talk to a doctor or pharmacist about female hormone tablets, these are supposed to help with some aspects of feminisation. They won’t turn you into a woman but apparently they can help to some degree with body shape and even help develop low levels of breast tissue. Add to this with breast inserts and a padded bra and you are part way to creating the image you want to portray. Add a pretty dress or a nice skirt and top, with tights and a pair of heels, grow your hair long if it isn’t already and invest in a couple of lessons to learn how best to do your make up. If you are overweight go on a diet, there’s nothing wrong with a fat woman but if you are looking to create the best female image of yourself it is easier on a slimmer body. Stay fit but don’t pump heavy weights, large muscles on a woman don’t look great. You can be whatever you want to be in life, especially these days, but it takes hard work and commitment to change something big about yourself. You may never afford the operation but you can still strive to turn yourself into the person you want to be in other ways. Good luck x

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