Is it normal to despise circumcision

So my mum let doctors circumcise me as a baby, and they fucking botched it. I think they should be illegal to perform without consent. Personally I think it's mutilation

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 38 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • IrishPotato

    It's mutilation.

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    • Appareson

      Veganism is mutilation.

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      • IrishPotato


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  • Boojum

    If the doctor botched the job and the result is causing you discomfort or acute embarrassment, then I can understand why you believe your penis was mutilated. However, I can't agree with the hard-line anti-circ people who proclaim that all circumcision is mutilation and, since mutilating an infant is child abuse, therefore all circumcision is evil.

    If you'd been born into a poor Italian family a few centuries back and your parents had your testicles removed as a child because you had a good voice and the local priest convinced them that there was a possibility you could be a famous castrato singer, that would be mutilation. If you'd been born as a slave in ancient times and branded as a child, that would be mutilation.

    For the vast majority of guys, being circumcised is not a heavy burden to bear. There are those who whine about how sex could have been so much better for them if they hadn't lost some sensitive skin and if their glans had been constantly moist and protected since infancy, but then there are guys who constantly whine about every other physical defect they perceive in themselves. That's not a healthy approach to life.

    I was circumcised as an infant, and it has never caused me any problems in my 60+ years. It hasn't impeded my enjoyment of sex, and no woman has ever run shrieking from the room or gone into sympathy mode when she first saw my penis. All of them liked it as it was just fine, and one or two said they preferred the sleek look.

    As an adult, I did ask my mother why I was circumcised as an infant (my family wasn't Jewish or Muslim). She said she really didn't know much about the pros and cons (this was the 1950s), but the family doctor - whom she always considered very wise and almost saintly - said it was a good idea, so she agreed. It's possible your mother's decision was made on similar grounds. As a woman, her understanding of circumcision was very likely limited and she obviously had no personal experience of it, so I think it would probably be very harsh of you to blame your mother for having it done.

    Just as with guys who have a very short penis, a bent penis, a very slender penis with a large glans or any other variation from the norm, you have some choices.

    You can chose to fixate on the problem, define yourself as a guy with a "mutilated" penis, hate your mother, hate the doctor who screwed it up, hate guys who have "normal" penises, and rant about the injustice of the world and how circumcision is evil. If you want, that rage can become your sole reason for existence.

    Alternatively, you can accept what you have in your pants, and get on with life. You're not a penis with a guy attached; you're a guy with a penis which happens - not by any choice you made - to be different to what you were born with, and possibly quite different to what the majority of guys have.

    If the botched circumcision is causing you functional difficulties, if it is an obsession that's affecting your mental health, or if it makes it impossible for you to imagine ever allowing a potential sexual partner to see it, then you should talk to a specialist about whether corrective surgery is possible.

    One final thought: If you're basing your opinion that you have a "mutilated" penis solely on the dicks you've seen in porn, you need to consider that those guys are members of a subset of men who happen to have penises that meet the current porn standards of what an attractive penis looks like. Just as female porn stars are not average, typical women, so male porn stars are not "normal", average guys.

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  • You're right. I don't get why the normal votes aren't more of a majority.

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  • xxLucifer

    Circumcision prevents phimosis and paraphimosis. Both of which are conditions that are caused by the foreskin and can lead to permanent damage of the penis. Phimosis is when the foreskin can't be pulled over the head of the penis, it's normal for children to have phimosis, but if they still have it after 16 or 17 it can lead to problems with blood flow to the penis. Paraphimosis is when the foreskin is pulled over the head of the penis and can't return to it's original position. In both cases fixing it requires doing a dorsal slit. The later in life this happens the higher the risks of complication.

    Also you legally can't give consent to operations until you are 18 and waiting to do it just increases the likelihood of something going wrong. All doctors will tell you the risks and benefits of any procedure if you ask them. So if your parents didn't ask and didn't know the risks then that's there fault, but if they asked and knew the risks and benefits then they made an informed choice about the health and wellbeing of their child. Complications can happen during any procedure and even the best doctors can have something go wrong.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's normal to despise any procedure that you have had that may have been botced by the doctors who performed said procedure. My father had a surgery on his back that didn't go well at all, and the doctor actually showed up for the surgery about four hours late which raises our suspicions. My ex has previously worked in the medical field, and we both have suspected that the doctor may have been either intoxicated or hung over. Regardless, we all think my father should have left the hospital, and went with a different surgeon. My father suffers terribly, and rarely is there ever a day that goes by that he doesn't curse the guy who did his surgery.

    It's difficult for me to see, and I have seen him in various stages of pain, and impairment for the past ten years. Sometimes all I can do is offer him moral support, and say, "there but for the grace of God go I".

    I am personally ambivalent about the circumcision procedure. I feel I can somewhat understand both sides of the issue, but above all I cannot fully understand the issue entirely as I have a different anatomy. Regardless, I cannot judge you for your feelings as you are person who was on the receiving end of a botched surgery. All I can really do will listen to you, and wish you well.

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  • The same thing happened to me. I was left with a pronounced scar and due to an equally botched attempt at correcting my undascended testicles, I can never have kids. Its time to stop circumcision except under medically necessary circumstances.

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  • LornaMae

    How exactly was it "botched"?

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    • It's disfigured, lines of what I assume we're the places where he cut, parts that can't heal properly idk

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  • squipdi

    i agree, circumcision for non-medical reasons is child abuse and should be banned everywhere

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  • Fetiza000 yes, of course it's fucking cruel.

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  • curious-bunny

    It is mutialtion. Its thr forcing of one's will on another hunan being who cant defend themselves and permantly altering there bodies. Its a disgusting practice

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    • Personally I think it is a mainly cosmetic Jewish mutilation practice. It's unholy

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    • CozmoWank

      I'm curious, what's your feeling toward abortion?

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      • curious-bunny

        Honestly i beilive in it. In my family alone we have meth addicts thieves and do much more that cpuld pf been avoided if there low life piece of shit parents didnt produce low life pieve of shit kids. In the end i support it. It seems like i wpuldnt from my previous comments but yea. How about yourself?

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        • CozmoWank

          I'm okay with both. In the end the only difference in the two is just a matter of months.

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          • Abortion is fine, unless it's white offspring

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  • Ummitsstillme

    You should blame the bad doctor, or your mum for choosing the bad doctor, not the procedure itself. I am sorry you are disfigured, maybe some cosmetic surgery can rectify it?

    I am grateful my penis is cut and actually pitty the poor Euros that have to deal with that skin flop and the nasty smegma that develops underneath. It is not specifically a religuous thing in the States, it is about aesthetics and hygiene. No woman wants to blow a sea cucumber lol.

    The people that try and demonize it,"but but its mutilation", are vegan lesbians that are somehow fine with punching holes in the ears of their adopted Cambodian baby. If you're a man and are uncut, I understand it is normal to rationalize your present circumstances even when they are not ideal.

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