Is it normal to despise stupid people?
Like everyone but my mother who I despise, I despise stupid people, I even despise anti-intellectuals, also anyone including family who chooses not to be intelligent or has dumbed themselves down, it's disgusting, as a result I hate my grandmother, I tried to love her but I can't, stupidity disgusts me, it makes me want to vomit, even disability, anyone who's afficted with stupidity, idiocy, or retardation, disgusts me, I despise those people, like I despise men, and I put my vengeance upon them. Everywhere I go in Australia I'm seeing stupid people, who I despise, I look down on them as worthless, inferior and negligible (unimportant). I even hate the way they laugh, their voices, the way they look, as I'm fancy, exquisite, etc, and I think anti-intelletualism is in bad taste, oh yeah, I'm disgusted at and even despise stupid people in the cartoons, in fiction and in comedy. What I want is a tasteful, intelligent comedy like 'Frasier'. The way people are stupid I don't even want to talk to them, I despise Christianity and all the idiots who follow it. The problem with my grandmother is that she lacks understanding, and I'm angry, my grandmother disgusts me, she's literally unintelligent. I know and understand a lot of things, I'm educated and it's hard to have a conversation with people because they call me stupid despite my understanding and education and I'm disgusted at that, angry, upset, and despise it, is that normal?