Is it normal to disagree with religion?

Right, ok, I'm not religious at all. I find it very hard to believe that there is a god when there ar innocent people hurt everyday. If there was a god, wouldn't he try to stop this? How can religious people explain why children get abused, or get cancer if there is a god lookig over us? Religion is the reason why millions of people died in wars started by different opinions on religion. How can thatbe accepted?
Is it normal to feel this way?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 55 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dragona

    I find myself feeling the same way. I have been wondering a lot lately about religious issues.

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  • n0TaNiceGirl

    Religion is the opiate of the masses the more people that free their minds from its influence the better

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  • brkb

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"
    ~ Epicurus

    P.S.: Why does the pope-mobile need bullet proof glass? Either the catholic church is trying to stop gods will, or there is not god.

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  • babaG

    It's normal to think for yourself, don't let anyone stop you. At the same time however, don't intrude on others opinions.

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  • Ines

    It's normal not to understand and even find it completely insane when you see all this that's happening in the world (I'm not religious either); but we should try to understand that religion helps people find answer to what they can't explain/understand or what they fear (like death), even if it sometimes causes more problems than solutions (I'm thinking of the wars and stuff), I agree.

    But yeah, your reaction is normal! :)

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  • Completely normal don't let anyone tell you it's not

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  • i think its normal... i cant imagine heven its a bit to unrealistic to me.

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  • CaptainObvious

    You're an atheist.

    ~Captain Obvious.

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  • The god of the bible killed people for small things. He was NOT an advocate for world peace.

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  • SantoSantica

    religions defense is that god gave man choice, a free will, in the bible it reads satan puts us through trials to test our faith, and god allows this because if he took away our every burden gave us everything we needed, and fed us, and did everything for us to keep us safe and warm what would be the point of living, so god allows these diseases, and the wars about religion is mans right o exercise his free will, god wants his children to love him because they choose to not because god coerced them to, now non religion opinion of mine yes its normal to feel a sense of betrayal and denial for things our simple minds can't bend to believe. ignorance gives us this feeling nobility over everything making us feel if we say something in the right tone and ignore certain facts anyone and everyone sound like an ass whether they are fictional or not.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Feel free to disagree. People should be free to believe what they want. Also many religious people have raised this same point believe it or not. Though truly people will always go to war over disagreements. It is not necessarily religion.

    People will always find something to fight over. Look at Nazi Germany. That had nothing to do with religion and that was the start of world war 2.

    Politics, skintone, gender, religion. People will always fight. So war is always going to happen. Not that I like war. I am also glad you said this without being a dick about it. Unlike most others on this site would have been.

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  • newdeath1701

    To ican'tremember,

    The power of my gun compels you!!!

    P.s. Bang

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  • aubrie77

    I believe that God puts people through hardships to strengthen their relationship with him. He causes death when it is their time to go to a better place.

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  • ican'tremember

    It is not normal. You are possessed by the devil! The power of Christ compels you!!!!!!!

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  • "Religion is the reason why millions of people died in wars started by different opinions on religion."
    First off which religion says start war? that would be peoples mistake
    @ the guy above me and epicurus quote
    maybe since ur a christian you should know that in the bible christ himself says to not try to test God Im an orthodox christian and I believe that my religion hasnt got any flaws but it is mostly our fault

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