Is it normal to dislike atheists?

I don't believe in God. I never had. However, I prefer to hang out with religious people. I just think that atheists can be extremely obnoxious sometimes.

Unlike what most people believe, religious people are just as smart as anyone else and they usually have something interesting to say about everything. Also, religious people don't talk all the time about religion. In fact, whenever I talk about religion, it is usually with an atheist near.

The thing with atheists is that, beside the fact that they talk about religion all the time, they believe themselves to be smarter, even when they really aren't. They also belittle religious people all the time, even though they actually do what they criticize the most: pushing people into their beliefs.

Also, even old atheists say the most basic stuff when they have their "intellectual" debates about faith. Honestly, since I never believed in God, it always feels like they falsely believe themselves to be geniuses just because they argue about stuff I have figured out decades ago.

I don't know... I usually see that atheists prefer to hang out with atheists and religious people with religious people... so... am I normal?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 70 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • dom180

    I know some atheists that are very aggressive about not believing in God and will openly talk down to people who do believe and mock them. Sometimes it borders on bullying, which is when it becomes a disgusting and hypocritical attitude, and even when it doesn't it's still ignorant. I can understand not liking them; I don't like them either. There are religious people who act that way too, and I dislike them just as much.

    Because atheists are a minority in most places, a lot of atheists make it a very big part of their identity. Those atheists who are aggressive about it are, in my experience, those who have been brought up in highly-religious households and therefore have a very negative image of religious people. I'm not defending them - in fact I strongly dislike them - but I can understand their attitude.

    Just make sure you don't tar all atheists with the same brush, because in my experience most of us aren't like that.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

      Which deity?

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      • dom180

        I feel sorry for the OP. I can just imagine...

        "Oh, I think I'll check IIN. Wow, my question has 14 new comments! I can't wait to read what interesting, thoughtful things people had to say!"

        Only to find that they're all suckonthisfucking9 vomiting spam everywhere.

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        • Steve92

          Yet the OPs lucky to have asked it here. If he asked it in Yahoo Answers Religion and Spirituality section (which actually is a virtual war zone) he would have had a fit seeing the hate comments and their bulling guerrilla tactics!!!!

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  • ProseAthlete

    Obnoxious people are obnoxious in any context. People who have agendas that they constantly force down other people's throats -- religion, atheism, pro-choice, anti-choice, vegan, carnivorous, child-free, attachment parenting, whatever -- are incredibly boring and awful to be around.

    Good for you for taking people on their merits and not judging them by whether they share your beliefs or ethics.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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      • I am sure you probably have lots of interesting stuff to say about this issue... if you weren't such a spammer, people would actually take you seriously. Is it ok if I use the suffix "-er"?

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  • Short4Words

    You may not be open minded about God but at least you are open minded about people to a degree. I'd say you are normal but not typical. In a cynical context.

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    • suckonthis9

      Open-minded about which deity?

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      • Steve92

        I dont like them either, but my religion prohibits me to show dislike to some one. BTW if you would have asked this in the yahoo answers religion and spirituality section, you would have found yourself in a virtual war field!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't dislike atheists rather anyone who believes it necessary to push their beliefs on others.

    I have, however, dealt with my share of obnoxious atheists. Many of the ones I have dealt with, in real life as well, believe that I am a theist because I don't understand logic, reason and atheism and by extension, its philosophies. This is utterly false. I have researched it thoroughly. I have read the works of prominent atheists such as Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins and I find that in many cases, I am more informed regarding the philosophies of atheism than many atheists I have encountered.

    My philosophy is to live and let live. It's important to have your own beliefs as well as to respect others and not allow your beliefs to dictate how decent citizens should live their lives. More importantly, I feel that we should refrain from assuming how and why people hold their beliefs. Contrary to many opinions, not everyone holds their beliefs due to blind compliance to authority or ignorance. Being well informed doesn't necessarily mean being compliant to the beliefs that make the most sense to others, it is about what makes the most sense to you as a person.

    I can respect that atheism makes the most sense to others and I hold in high regard those that can respect that my spirituality makes the most sense to me.

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    • Couman

      Atheism has philosophies? Since when? I thought it just meant you didn't believe in god(s).

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Read the works of the authors I noted to start off. Also, look into humanism.

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        • Couman

          Are you implying humanism is part of atheism?

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Check out the humanist manifesto. Humanism is a philosophy that many atheists ascribe to.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

      Please describe the Physical properties of a 'spirit'.

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      • Flippin-dillydogs

        Stfu ALREADY

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        • suckonthis9

          In English please.

          Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.

          Please do not use slang or nonstandard word forms.

          Thank you.

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    • Precisely, what bothers me the most is that atheists usually believe that all religious people follow their beliefs blindly. If a person thinks in such a superficial way, it is obvious that they know nothing about philosophy, psychology, sociology, and other social sciences.

      I don't know... it is just so weird to see people being proud about being atheists, as if it was something so impressive. From my perspective, they seem like little kids bragging about just learning how to read or something like that.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        It's just the general mentality of "I don't believe in it, therefore it's invalid, meaningless and unworthy of respect" that bothers me from anyone. It's a destructive and childish mentality, regardless of your religious orientation.

        Tolerance is a two way street and the irony that some atheists will discriminate against others for being religious/spiritual but scratch their heads as to how any religious person can, in good conscious, discriminate against someone for being of a different religion is not lost on me.

        It wouldn't be right of me to judge every atheist because a few took it upon themselves to harass or insult me any more than it is right to judge me as an immoral, intolerant idiot due to my religious preference. Respect is also a two way street.

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        • suckonthis9


          To 'respect', means 'to look back at'. Time is a one-way concept.

          Please do not use -ists or -isms.

          Thank you.

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      • Steve92

        I dont like them either, but my religion prohibits me to show dislike to some one. BTW if you would have asked this in the yahoo answers religion and spirituality section, you would have found yourself in a virtual war field!

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      • suckonthis9

        Please do not use -ists or -isms.

        Thank you.

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  • FredSumper23

    Excuse me sir but I must respectfully disagree. Not all atheists believe they are smarter or better than religious people. I myself am an atheist and I believe that religious people are rather fun to have a good natured and intellectual debate with. If it gets too heated we agree to relax for a while and come back when we have calmed down and continue when we can continue without wanting to murder eachother. I don't debate with them because I disagree. I just like to hear other people's reasoning for believing in a god. A lot of them have very good reasoning and I respect their opinion. I also don't actively search out religious people just to belittle them. I have quite a number of religious friends and I don't believe myself smarter then any of them. In fact a couple of them are smarter than me. So please. Don't generalize.

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  • bananaface

    How many? Every single atheist?:S Not just some of them?:S You need to be more specific, because there's something a bit arrogant about saying you're the only atheist who isn't arrogant.:P

    "The thing with atheists is that, beside the fact that they talk about religion all the time"

    It isn't really a fact, though, is it? Stop chucking words around. It seems very condescending to me, as well, because I very rarely talk about religion or atheism, never mind *all the time*.

    I don't prefer to hang with atheists, in fact my atheist friends are in the minority, although atheists are in the minority so maybe that makes sense. Most of my friends are religious or agnostic. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what half my friend's religious beliefs are, because I don't really care. Their religion doesn't make me question their intelligence either, and I consider most of my friends to be pretty clever.

    Oh, and I don't belittle religious people and I *definitely* don't push my beliefs on other people, because even I don't want to be an atheist, so why would I try to make others lose their faith? That is unbelievably cruel, in my opinion.

    Seriously OP, just use the word "some" next time. Then you won't have annoying people like me ranting on like this:P. You dislike some atheists, fair enough. I do too. I also dislike some religious people.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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    • Wow, wow, wow... I never said I was talking about 100% of the atheists.

      And well, I guess it is great that you aren't like the people I described... but well, in my experience, what I found was mostly obnoxious people.

      Maybe we could be friends, haha.

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      • suckonthis9

        Please do not use -ists or -isms.

        Thank you.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    The Atheist I find personally I like. They dislike religion but don't hate me for believing in god. The atheist I have seen on the internet and in shows are pretentious and think everyone must believe what they do. Which is just as bad as a Christian saying "You must be Christian" which is very hypocritical. Nothing says you "HAVE" to believe in god. However nothing says you "HAVE" to be atheist either. If an ashiest wants to be excepted as such they should except others that way. If you are so prejudice you deserve the same type of rudeness. Also for the record all religious people do not live in a third world country and do not believe god makes it rain.

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  • sinisteRouge

    you don't dislike atheists, you just dislike pretentious fucks

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  • AppleMind

    As an Atheist I only talk about Atheism if I'm being proselytized at.

    A side note, if your theist friends dont speak about their theism how do you know they're theists?

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  • Glowfly

    I don't typically enjoy being around overly religious people who shove their beliefs down my throat, but I also don't enjoy hanging out with Atheists who are obnoxiously loud about their dis-belief system. It comes across as arrogant (usually with them feeling superior intellectually) and just as annoying as a religious zealot.

    If the religious people you're spending time with are friendly, open-minded, and accepting people to be around and don't try to convert you, then I'd say you're normal and I wouldn't blame you for favoring their friendship over other Atheists.

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    I don't hate anyone, but the thing with atheism to me is that it's quite pointless. A-theist just means you're against God. Well, so what? Tell me what you do believe in, then we can have a rational discussion. Btw, I don't believe in any organized religion either, which are all intrinsically flawed, because each claims to be the only way to know God, and hence naturally in conflict with each other.

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  • suckonthis9

    Which deity don't you believe in?

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    Thank you.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I dislike the liberal ones.

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  • CherryGlossxx

    I personally dont want to have anything to do with religion, although there will come a time when I am questioned about my religion. I dont like being involved in arguments about something as silly as religion, people should just accept eachother without having to question them on their beliefs.

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  • RougeTheBat

    And thats fine.Thats how you choose to live your life.I don't know why people get upset over an opinion,i never said its fact,its just how i feel.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Athiests can look down on someone for believing in god. Religious people can look down on someone for not believing in god, they can be just as bad as each other however they can both be just as nice

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

      Which deity?

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        So you're back. Have a nice holiday?

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  • SangoNyappy

    Hey it depends on people. I'm an atheist but I don't talk about religion unless someone asks me and I don't think I'm smarter than anyone. I've seen stupid atheists and stupid religious people. You souldn't categorize people like that.

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    • suckonthis9

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      Thank you.

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  • RougeTheBat

    Ever atheist i've ever met has either been extremely arrogant or extremely depressed.Don't get me wrong i'm sure there are kind,happy atheists out there but i just don't understand how someone can go through life without believing in something.

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    • dom180

      We do believe in something: ourselves. Although I wish I could believe in God I can't because it doesn't make sense to me, and I've largely come to terms with that.

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      • suckonthis9

        Which deity?

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I do I believe in science

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    • suckonthis9

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      Thank you.

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  • GuessWho

    Most atheists are assholes, It's completely normal to dislike them.

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  • MissCooper

    Atheism = ultra stupidity

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    • q25t

      Why exactly?

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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