Is it normal to dislike cats?

I think cats are awesome from afar, but I don't like being around them. At all. I used to like them before I actually got one, now I really dislike them intensely. I truly believe they are not meant to be "inside" animals.

My family recently brought three cats into the home and I'm going absolutely insane. I had a pristine home, you could eat off the floor. Now it's utterly destroyed. There is always catfood, litter and urine-y footprints on the floor. The box smells up the kitchen after an hour. They kick feces out of the box onto the floor. They tore up 50$ rugs and my 2000$ leather sofa and recliner that I had for FIFTEEN YEARS in perfect condition! It's full of holes now!

The worst part is the cats LIKE me and keep following me and rubbing on me. Then they decide to try and eat my hair or "play" with it, which hurts like heck - especially when their claws miss the hair and dig into my neck or face. The little kitten also likes to attack feet until they bleed.

They rip up my clothes and try to smother me at night by sleeping on my head. We all hate the cats except for my aunt who treats them like little humans and won't let us put them outside, trim their claws, bathe them or take them to the vet.

They also rub their behinds on our clean clothes and make them smell like poop. And tear up the toilet rolls. And eat freshly-cooked food, including the RAW BAR OF BUTTER left on the table for toast.

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Based on 69 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Avant-Garde

    You should've gotten an oriental shorthair. I have and they are cleanest and so polite.

    Your cats aren't being well taken cared of. Them kicking the litter out of the box, is usually a sign of some sort of displeasure. It could be the type of litter or box they have. Or, it could be something else. The destruction of your clothes could be another sign of this. If your aunt doesn't want to care for them, she shouldn't be allowed to have pets. If it at all possible, the rest of the family needs to step in and give the cats proper care. Don't let the house fall into shambles! Can you kick your aunt out of the house? She's enabling this situation.

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  • Owly

    My cats are declawed in the front paws, which solves a LOT of issues. Leave the back claws alone-just declaw the front. It's worth it, as it saves furniture and other things.

    As for the litter smell-BAKING SODA. Put it in the litter. Also, put the litter far away from the kitchen! A bathroom is good. Use a large storage tub, not a litterbox, cut a hole in it for them to get out and lock the top on after filling with litter. Place it so they can get in but have to go behind the box to do so-minimizes litter spreading.

    Table: Water bottle with spray nozzle. Soak them if they get on the table or furniture. If it's not effective, a TINY bit of lemon juice-just a few drops-in the water or a VERY mild chili powder (mind the amount and strength!!) mixed in can be effective. I recommend Lemon Juice, though it's not as effective, because it helps make the air smell good and also is usually good enough to deter the behaviors.

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    • You know what else works for the litter box odor? Diatomaceous Earth. Another plus to using the d.e., is that it deters/kills parasites both internal (worms) and external (fleas).
      I found out about this product just fairly recently, and I really like using it for my pets as well as for myself as a supplement.
      But, you've got to make sure it's Food Grade and not the other kind. The other kind is toxic.

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  • RoseIsabella

    My kitty doesn't act like that.

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  • LifeTheRide

    Yes, it's fine. I personally like dogs more myself.

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  • BioG33k5

    I fairly sure the cats

    a) Are not disciplined enough while growing up/now
    b) Are possibly feeling that not all of their needs are being met
    c) Are feeling they aren't receiving enough attention
    d) Think the cat litter boxes are too full/don't have enough litter in them
    e) Think the cat litter boxes are too close to their food
    f) Feel there aren't enough cat litter boxes

    Cats are naturally very clean creatures. They like to bury their waste, don't like it near their food, and are generally very picky about it. If they are being destructive they are most likely expressing their dissatisfaction with something.

    The cats should have been de-sexed around 6 weeks of age. Waiting until afterwards generally has repercussions on the cats' behavior. I don't know what females do, but males are more aggressive. If the cats haven't been de-sexed, then they should be. Females are known to be loud and annoying while in heat, while males are more territorial, aggressive, and mark territory.

    Are there any cat toys around the house? Cats tend to need to exercise their hunting instincts: anything jingly or fluffy on the end of a string should be fine, or even just the string!

    As for the claws, I personally had mine get their front ones removed, but left the back ones for defense purposes if they should ever get outside.

    In addition to this: Shame on your family! If this is your house you're talking about, then they should have asked for permission to bring in the cats. Though I love cats to absolute death, (I have 3) I know they're not for everyone. I do believe your aunt needs a stern talking to. If all of you except her dislike the cats, something should be done.

    For now, you should at least research ways to discipline cats, needs for their specific breeds, help over cat litter, and general information about cat behavior. And don't worry, there's nothing wrong with disliking cats, especially with such a bad experience with them. (Sorry for the long post)

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    • Thanks for this detailed reply, I appreciate it. But they aren't my cats, I didn't even want the stupid things in my house, I am not going to train them or clean up after them.

      You see, my family took over my house when my mom died, I had no say in it. They moved their animals in and destroyed my house. As soon as I get a job, I'm leaving. I couldn't care less what happens to the cats I didn't even want. I and don't ever plan on owning any, either.

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  • johnho

    My two cats are both rescues.

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  • johnho

    Cats are very therapeutic. Their purrs have been proven to reduce blood pressure. A cat will know when someone is sick and stay by them. They have them in nursing homes to keep older sick people happy.

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  • golden_showers

    put an ad on craigslist for free cats

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  • Nokiot9

    I hate cats for the most part. Ill pet one. But I'd never own one because the first time itd bite or scratch me Id probably kill it or set it loose. Even the nicest of cats always do fucked up shit. Tear things up. Bite. Scratch. And they fucking stink. Everyone that owns a cat, you can usually tell. Either because they're covered in cat hair or they reek of a litter box Lol.

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  • can one live with kitty litter in a comunal setting? i dont think so , but i like the visual of you laying on the floor eating

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  • Yeah, cats are gross like that. I like all animals, but I hate living with cats.

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  • I love cats. I have 3 black cats and they do not do stuff like you describe. It sounds like they have a bad human living with them. I have no litter box in my house. I cannot stand bad smells. My cats all go outside to piss and shit. They dont do it in the house and are good at letting me know when they want out. The one thing I actually do for them is fill their water and food. They are independant and take care of themselves.

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