Is it normal to dislike celebrity worshippers?

I certainly don't hate anyone who has a little obsession going with celebrities. I just don't get it. Why do so many people act like celebrities are better than us just because they make movies and a lot of money? They are by no means above us. But many people act as though they're a God! Some people will grieve and cry when their favorite actor passes away. But would that actor cry for them if they died? Of course not. Why are so many people impressed with celebrities? They don't impress me at all. I like some of them and I enjoy watching their movies, but if one of them were walking outside my door, I would NOT get all excited and go running up to them. They are human just like us. They don't crap out roses when they go to the bathroom. Why do some people act like they do?? People who REALLY impress me are people like Mother Teresa. (God rest her soul). Those who make sacrifices to make the lives of others better. Strong people have always impressed me. Many celebrities are weak and couldn't handle a real life crisis. Guess that's why many of them turn to drugs. And what about Royalty? I just don't get that either. What did they ever do that is so great? Living in a palace doesn't make someone a God. Celebrities from a long time ago had a "magic" about them that you don't see today. They had an "air of elegance" about them. And real class. So many actors today appear trashy and have no self-respect. A coworker of mine almost fainted when she met her favorite actor in person. She felt light headed and had to go sit down. Why do so many fools worship them? The late and great actor Marlon Brando never attended the Academy Awards because he said "we're all actors". How true. I believe almost anyone can be an actor. We all put on "social mask" when meeting different people. As I said, I like some celebrities and enjoy their movies, but I really cannot understand why so many people go crazy for them. Being on a movie screen and making big bucks doesn't make them better than anyone else.

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96% Normal
Based on 26 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Nokiot9

    It's a disease of this country. Our news outlets are flooded with useless entertainment bs about who gave who herpes and who cheated on who or who is a female this week. It's fucking ridiculous. People don't care about things that actually matter. It's exactly how the roman empire would distract the people with games and gladiator matches during the decline of the civilization.

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    • theseeker

      Well said, you're exactly right. Like you said, it's a distraction from other things going on in the world. In other words, brainwash.

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    • green_boogers

      Right you are. The real circus is ISIS in Iraq. Blood sport in the streets. Coverage on the Internet.

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    • Jill123

      You are sooooooooooo right!!!

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  • mystery7

    Many of them are nothing special.

    I have met a few (minor or aspiring) celebrities and for the most part they are egomaniacs who happened to get lucky in their dogged pursuit of fame.

    Or they stepped all over other people or sucked a lot of d--- to get to the so called top.

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    • Jill123

      I believe you're right. Some of them look like they suck a prick every day to get ahead. They dress like trash and act it. And so many stupid trashy people think these celebrities are better than everyone else. What a sick world we live in with such sick confused people. As a very wise friend of mine said "Everything today is backwards".

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  • theseeker

    This is what I hate about our culture in America. I can see why other countries don't have much respect for us. People selling their soul just for fame and the public is condoning it. I would think we are pathetic too.

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    • Ellenna

      I hate to admit it, but it's rife in Australia too.

      I don't even know who most of these people are and I don't care

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      • Jill123

        LOL! I don't know who they are either. When I see one of them acting like trash and getting so much attention from their trashy fans, I really don't want to know them. Australia? Never been there but have seen pictures in magazines. Breathtakingly Beautiful!

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  • Spider-Man

    the word your looking for is "mystique", and they only had mystique about them before because there wasnt internet

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    • Jill123

      HUH??? Believe me, I wasn't looking for ANY word.

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  • noid

    I agree.

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    • dytrog

      I don't like a celeb. that has stupid people listen to thier political or tell us what is mooral.
      So I guess I dislike them and people who are stupid enough to think fame and brain go together.

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      • noid

        Celebrities are annoying in a lot of ways and so is the worship of them!

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  • NegativeGamer444

    this is a dead give away your a fat ass

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    • Jill123

      HUH??? You make no sense. Fat ass? Don't think so. I wear a bikini very nicely at the beach. No one but you has ever called me a fat ass. Shows how ignorant you are because plenty of heavy people go crazy for celebrities while plenty of slender folks like me think we should be more concerned with the real problems in the world and not a bunch of fake egomaniacs. Yeah, you must be very ignorant to call someone fat ass when you don't have a clue as to what I look like. I feel sorry for you.

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    • Jill123

      Go kneel down to a celebrity and say a prayer to them. I'm sure that's what you do every chance you get. LOL!

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