Is it normal to dislike living by by lowlifes

Yes, i think it's normal, unfortunately. I used sadneighbor for a sign in name because I am very sad that my dog is being targeted. Months ago my dog was a victim of attack by one of the many Mexican neighbors dogs that run loose in my neighborhood. I repeat, my neighborhood. In in america still, aren't I? "One" of their pit bulls that was not properly fenced in. They didn't have him secured because, they said, they were afraid the dog would hang himself when he tried to jump over the fence. So, f---- everybody else in the neighborhood. My dog was on a leash . To make a horrifyingly long story short my dog was attacked. I called the animal control and they took their dog away. They still owe me over $400 for the vet bill, but I'm the one paying... Still. And my poor little dog... which they not only aggravate him and throw rocks at him but they are either poisoning him or drugging him. I just figured it all out. I am so sad. That's all I can really say. So so sad. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't afford to move. And there are a bunch of them ganging up on me and my dog. A dead chicken buried behind my home, rocks thrown at windows in late night, a rock thrown by me when I'm out front, etc. Arizona law states that dogs are too be leashed! Their loose dog viciously attacked mine for no reason! But I'm about the only white person who lives in the area.

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73% Normal
Based on 66 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • wigz

    I would use their superstitious nature against them. Pretend you're a witch and put curses on them. Do weird shit. Just make crap up, like make a windchime out of chicken bones, hair, a fork and fish hooks and shit and write something cryptic on it and hang it where they will see it. Pour 'mysterious' lines/patterns/symbols of salt or crumbled chalk in your yard. Go on hikes and find bones and teeth to place around or make scary looking charms out of.

    Keep your dog safe too. Check your yard for anything he might eat or drink since you think he is being poisoned.

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  • Tealights

    Collect evidence of your damaged property, video them throwing rocks at you and you KINDLY asking them to stop, and more. Also, keep your vet receipt, estimates, and such, then take him to court with all the evidence.

    Also, don't make this a racial issue. Any race has the potential to be an asshole, your asshole just happen to be Mexican.

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  • finn

    Get all this shit on tape and take it to Judge Judy. She can give up to 5 grand.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Your normal, they're not.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Normal. Many neighbors are shitty ppl.

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  • McBean

    Your low life neighbors are nothing compared to illegal immigrants from Somalia. Somalians don't use toilets because of some voo doo superstition. They piss in an empty can, go outside and dump it in the bushes. The toilet is a way to dispose of trash.

    They also think the most skilled job is shoplifting. Somalians have no understanding of civilization or production.

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  • agoodlovejoy

    They are jealous of America ...period.

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  • agoodlovejoy

    Be glad they didnt sexually assault your kids. It happened to me twice

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  • SpermDog

    You can take a wet-back out of Mexico, but you can't take the Mexico out of a wet-back. This is why Trump's wall is so important. Legal Mexican immigrants are not as sleazy.

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