Is it normal to dislike my friend?

Well I have this friend that has been one of my 'best friend's since we were one year old. Now he's changed and I don't really like him much. Is it normal to begin to dislike your friends after time?

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91% Normal
Based on 176 votes (161 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • buriedalive

    Yea :) it's normal. I dislike some of my very old friends, but I couldn't really stop hanging out with them, they're kinda like a security blanket if you know what I mean

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  • It's hell normal, I got really bored of my friends.

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    In today's world, a friend is anyone who knows your name, and you don't owe money.

    Friendship doesn't have to mean constant companionship, and maybe you are the one who has changed.

    Ten or 20 years from now, you might enjoy being found by him on facebook (or whatever replaces it), and reminiscing about what asses you both used to be.

    Just leave some room for the possibility that people change -- and sometimes change back.

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  • Simply_Abnormal

    Epsecially as it's only been a year...You obviously didn't know him as well as you though and you've began to learn..Now you're getting the real him and you just don't like it.

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  • beautifulenigma

    Yes. Completely, 100%% normal. Just means you've grown apart. It's not his fault, it's not yours. It just means the things you had in common when you were one no longer tie you together. There's no reason to officially end the friendship, but if you don't like hanging out him you shouldn't. Maybe in a few years from now you'll find each other again.

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  • Joyless

    *nods looking sad and contemplative*

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  • combatgal856

    Yess. People change or you just change preference in people

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  • tintedcouture

    my best friend started hating me after I got cocky. Happens

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  • secretguy25


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  • pinksugardots

    Completely normal.

    People change, so try not to feel bad about it. I actually am not friends with anyone from my early childhood. When you get older, you learn about who you are, there will be changes when that happens.

    I've actually been friends with my best buddy since I was 12, so we%%u2019ve been friends for 6 years now. A lot of it also has to do with connection I think and that's the reason why me and my best friend have been friends and will be friends for so long.

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  • Angelmom

    Yes sometimes you just grow apart.

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  • Bazaza

    i hate some of my friends and their still my friends i guess what matters in the end is would this person lie to the government,or the police,or a girl you might potentially like for you if so i say they are still a friend

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  • Leviathan

    Yeah, its normal, i hate so many of my freinds, although, you cant blame me, since theyve changed.

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  • 112o0

    yeah, but you wouldnt do anything to hurt them, but if that is your case than uh idk

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  • Quests

    high school sophmor year when you really start to make new friend and split from old ones

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  • YumInsanity

    as you get older your personality changes and forms you into the person you'll most likely be for the rest of your life. thats why it gets harder to make friends the older you get, because people become less flexible and more set in their rut

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  • stacieblows


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  • izitblud

    yeah. people change. once your parents stop forcing you to be friends you could easily stop being friends

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  • Sexcrzyfuck

    ofcourse, once they get into highschool or whatever they have different interests,
    different people they chill with,
    then one day they're a entirely a different yea it happens

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  • Yup!

    I agree with what the two posters above mine said.

    We all change over time, and we split different ways. Who you thought would be your best friend forever sometimes chages into a different person, and now you find yourself not seeing eye-to-eye anymore, and don't have as much fun as once before. Happened to me (well, kind of is now actually).

    So, yeah, in essence, it's just, we, as humans just change throughout the years, and we go our separate path's is all. No worries.

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  • Yes we all change as we get older your just gonna go in different directions that is all

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  • dwarsdoorsnede


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    • artistic

      I think if this person has changed and it isn't someone you feel connected to anymore that is more than normal. Too bad people do change over time! If I would have known this better, I am not sure I would have gotten married!

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