Is it normal to dislike pro-lifers?

I absolutely dislike those who constantly speak out against abortion and am wondering if it's normal to want to beat up an anti-abortion protestor at one of those abortion clinics?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 96 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 61 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Since killing babies is so great! Lets all give 3 cheers for the baby killer! I think I hear another obituary in the making? Oh who is at the door? Oh all the dead babies you killed?

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  • Imposturously_yours

    I think some people got the whole point of this wrong. it's not pro or anti abortion discussion.
    What bothers me that you take a group of people, define them by a single ideological criteria and then automatically dislike them.

    I don't agree with "pro-life" point of view, just for the record.

    But what you're saying sounds to me like "All the people wearing green T-shirts today? Well, fuck them, I wanna beat them up".

    Sounds a little stupid, isn't it?
    Grow up.

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    • disthing

      I agree with you.

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  • suckonthis9

    These so-called pro-life people are actually anti-life.
    They fail to see the real consequences of their actions.
    It is still not Ethical to cause harm to them, rather it is more beneficial to refute their often absurd and religiously-based claims.
    Some of these (over-simplified claims) are: "Abortion is murder." No, abortion is sometimes a necessary medical procedure. Murder is often (but not always) a violent criminal act. They confuse and combine two seperate issues, medicine and crime.
    "Abortion is not natural."' Incorrect. Abortion often (more often than you think) does occur naturally. We call it a miscarriage. Only a small mind would try to legislate a naturally occuring event out of existence.
    "Overpopulation is a myth." Fact: Presently, there are over 1 Billion people who are starving. There are finite resources available to us and there is simply not enough for everyone. Apparantly, they have not learned any lessons from history. The 'cradle of civilization' was once called the 'fertile crescent'. Most of this is now desert (Middle East and much of the Sahara region). Why? Principally because too many people over-used the natural resources available to them in combination with the domestication of goats (a mountain animal), providing protection for them on the plains and eliminating predators. Easter Island. Meso-America (Olmec and Mayan civilizations, etc.). Next will be the Gaza Strip, which will be unliveable by 2040 unless we either reduce the exploding population growth rate or dump all kinds of resources (depriving others of these) to sustain them. Are you going to sit complacently by, until the news headline says 'Earth unliveable by 2100."
    "Abortion is not an acceptable form of birth control." This I agree with, in part. These so-called pro-lifers should then agree that THE ONLY reasonable solution is to advocate FOR contraception. But many cite some religious excuse against this. They refuse to acknowledge that historically various disease epidemics was the primary thing that kept our population in check, and that we have learned to defeat most of these. Some also aver (another religious excuse) to reproduce uncontrollably, as if these are still present.
    "An embryo or fetus is a human." Nonsense. An embryo is a fertilized ovum (egg) in which cell division has occurred (mitosis) but sexual specialization has not occurred. It is no more human than any other embryo, from any other animal at a similar stage of development. A fetus does not become a Sentient creature until the third trimester of pregnancy (gestation). Humans do not become Ethical creatures until well after birth.

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    • TonybigCock


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    • Antir0b0t

      Thank you! I think the entire argument about abortion is irrelevant. The government cannot take away our born right to do what we wish with our own bodies. Case closed.

      I should be able to CHOOSE to grow a fucking human inside my stomach for 9 months. Ignorant pricks. Haha, I just find it ridiculous that they're still trying to make abortions illegal, it just won't work.

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    • dude_Jones

      Sounds OK, but what about the "silent scream"?

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      • suckonthis9

        Other creatures also 'scream' when in distress, whether those that do are Sentient or not Not Sentient.
        A human fetus before the third trimester of pregnancy, is NOT a Sentient creature.
        A greater Ethical dilemma exists when a pregnant female's life is endangered due to complications of the pregnancy during the third trimester. My personal opinion, is that the pregnant female's life should take precedence, where the fetus can not be delivered prematurely, with an expectation of survival and / or a healthy and happy life. I form this opinion, because a human does not become an Ethical creature until well after birth (normal gestation).

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  • davesumba

    i absolutely dislike that people throw sex around like it's nothing, without even worrying about the consequences, because they can just kill the baby. NO! sex = babies, been like that since the beginning of time, and if you are going to be having careless sex with people that you have no interest in parenting a baby with or you aren't ready, that is YOUR fault, and you have to deal with the decision you've made and go through 9 months of pregnancy, and either keep the baby, or give it up for adoption to a loving family who has passionate love with each other but can't physically have a baby themselves.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      I am absolutaly disgusted at the fact that people have given you thumbs down.

      I agree with you, all the way. Sex is for making babies, but people don't want to except that fact. Which is why a young woman was born crippled because of a failed abortion. People are dumb! And it's unfortunate that abortion has become a birth control pill.

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    • davesumba

      laughing my ass off. yes, keep thumbing me down you sex addicts.
      if you want to continue your ways, just use the rhythm method, birth control, and condoms, then you won't have to worry about taking away a child's chance to live, and everyone's chances of being positively impacted by this child, which YOU chose to make by engaging in the acts of sexual REPRODUCTION.

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    • rosa333

      Thank God for people like you :)

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    • Lynxikat

      This fifty billion times.

      While I am pro-choice, I absolutely despise people who use abortion like it's a birth control. If you're having sex without protection with a dozen partners, then you don't have the right to say "HOLY SHIT, I got pregnant, what the fuck do I do?", and then decide to abort the baby. Does it really not occur to people that sex = kids? That's kind of what it DOES.

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  • Ibelievethis

    I'm a pro lifer and totally against abortion, and if you dislike me because I oppose to inocent little babies who did not ask to be concieved being aborted then that is your choice. x

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  • Francophile22

    We don't like you very much either, you are in favor of killing the unborn, who have not harmed anyone.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    The thing is, some abortions do not succeed. There was a young woman whose parents wanted to abort her some years ago. The abortion was unsuccessful and she was born without arms ore legs. She had to go through her life as a cripple, not to mention, with the scars of knowing her mother did not want her born. All of this, because her mother couldn't take up responsbility for her own actions. I don't think anyone should have to suffer this. And I could give a shit about "We all make mistakes". When we make a mistake, we have to take the consequence for it. Period. As far as rape goes, I can understand an abortion in such a case. Which is why I am on the line of whether I agree with it or not. But you don't have unprotected sex and then say and get rid of the developing child because you "made a mistake". That's a sorry ass excuse! It falls underneath, "you can't do the time, don't do the crime". Sex is for making babies. It's important that you know this before you do it unprotected.

    I know a lot of people don't believe this, but you don't HAVE to have sex. You CAN say no. Unless you are raped, sex is not a force. If you don't want babies, don't have sex. It's as simple as that!

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    • Glddraco

      sounds like this is the problem with teachers nowadays. They teach people stupid things that ARE NOT TRUE.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        It is very true. Look it up. Abortions fail sometimes. It happens on rare occasions but it DOES happen.

        Seriously, look it up. There's no point of arguing with it. I already did my homework. I think it's time you do yours.

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        • Antir0b0t

          Abortions CAN fail, but if the abortion caused the child to lose limbs they would NOT have survived in the womb. They would have bled out and died from the MISSING LIMBS. I find this story of yours hard to believe, and your 9th grade teacher is not considered a reliable source.

          A few years ago, (depending on when you were told this malarkey) abortions were very dangerous. And yes, the fetus can lose limbs. However, nowadays we have much safer procedures that don't require ripping the fetus limb from limb. It's called modern science.

          Maybe you need to do some extra homework. And please, if you can find a reliable source documenting this occurance I would LOVE for you to prove me wrong. :)

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          • KeddersPrincess

            After some time, a woman who had experienced abortion (or several abortions) may decide to finally have a child. But the abortion that she went through in the past may prevent her from doing so. Many parts of her reproductive system may have been rendered weak and she can become infertile. But if she finds that she is still luckily fertile, there are other abortion-related dangers that she has to deal with. Some of them are ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, placenta previa, and handicapped newborns.

            The abortion procedure, which can be chemical or surgical in nature, will leave some damage in the uterus . As a result, the fertilized egg may attach itself to the fallopian tube. When this happens, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Ectopic pregnancy, which is also known as tubal pregnancy, is dangerous because it can cause death to the mother. The tube can burst open and massive internal bleeding will occur. ("Just the Fact: Dangers of Abortion")


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          • KeddersPrincess

            It doesn't matter. Things are still very capable of going wrong, as it is with any unnatural procedure. Regardless of how modern things may be, things still go wrong. I will admit that it happens quite rarely, but it DOES happen. Science has not been perfected.

            He may not have been a reliable source, but you are not very reliable yourself, and I much more believe him, who has done much research in the many years that he's lived and has spent a lot of those years teaching and enchancing young minds than someone like yourself who probably doesn't know much of what they are talking about. I very much respect his intelligence, and knowledge on the subject on what he was speaking about. He was a very good teacher and I highly doubt he would ever give us false information. Please inform of your backgrounds and why I should take your word over his. I do believe he has more credits than you.

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            • Antir0b0t

              Holy shit I don't even know where to begin.

              1. Abortions are not "unnatural", a miscarriage is a NATURAL ABORTION. Your body rejects the fetus and the "baby" is aborted. So technically, it does occur naturally and to many women, every day!

              2. A child cannot survive with missing limbs in the mothers womb. It doesn't even make sense how you could BELIEVE the story. Look at it this way, you have a baby inside you. You try to get it aborted, and they had to tear it out from your womb limb by limb. Pop! There goes the legs, suddenly you see those little, fragile legs and yell, "STOOOOP. I wanna keep my baby!" So the doctor just pulls out his tools and sends you on your way. If you remove limbs from a baby while it's developing it will DIE. It could not handle the whole "My legs were just RIPPED from my body" thing. I'm not sure how else to explain this to get you to understand how physically impossible the idea even is. Do you know how pregnancy works??

              3. It doesn't matter how fat your boner is for this teacher, he was a fucking loon. Go ask a college professor if they believe your story, and see where it gets you. However I will provide a website that describes in DETAIL the procedure this woman would had to of undergone to get this half-abortion. (It provides the procedure for many phases of pregnancy, so either could apply depending on how far along she was.)


              It involves crushing fetus skulls and sucking out fetus's with a tube. IF and IF this event actually happened, the fetus would of been removed or else it would rot in her womb and she would probably die.

              WHEN babies DO survive after abortions it's usually because they were in the third trimester and were already developed. (For the most part) And they have their limbs too. Laying in a dumpster to die alone. Tragic. Seriously.

              4. My final point. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the female body and what injuries are severe enough to cause death. I don't need to give you proof of my statements because any mildly intelligent and sane human being would disagree with you. It's just fucking not. possible.

              End rant.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      Where did you get this story from?

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      • KeddersPrincess

        My 9th grade teacher told me. It is true. Some abortions are unsuccessful.

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        • thinkingaboutit

          no...that's not how abortions work.

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          • KeddersPrincess

            Look it up.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Why does it matter to you what other people believe in. That shouldn't be any of your concern. I, myself, am pro-life. I don't go out and protest and all that, but I do not agree with abortion, but you don't see me hating on people who are not pro-life. Not everyone is going to agree with you. That's part of life. And if you don't like pro-lifers, don't pay attention to them. I do a great job not paying attention to people I do not care about.

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    • Antir0b0t

      You see, your statement is wrong. It DOES matter what other people believe in. If the republicans magically tried to pass legislation to make abortions illegal the votes of those who believe it is wrong affect the entire American population. And taking away our rights to our own bodies is wrong. It doesn't matter how you spin it, it's wrong to force people to have a child.

      So, it does matter how other's feel. Because your beliefs have the power to rob liberties from your fellow Americans. Sounds pretty important to me..

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Well, if you hate it so much, get out there and protest for abortion. Sitting here on the internet, bashing people because they believe in something will get you no where.

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        • Antir0b0t

          I never said I hated anything.. I just told you that your statement was false. If you can't take criticism maybe you shouldn't write poorly thought out responses?

          That will also get you nowhere.

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          • KeddersPrincess

            What are you talking about "can't take critism"? I was just replying to you. That suddenly means I can't take critism? No; it's called an argument. You will see a lot of that on this website. And what is "false" about my statement? Just because you see it differently, doesn't make it false. I still agree with everything I just said. And, I don't know if you wrote this post or not, but if you did and even since you're replying to it, it does sound like you hate people because they have a different opinion than you.

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            • Antir0b0t

              Okay, I won't continue to argue or debate with you because you don't seem to understand. Or you simply misinterpreted what I did say, which happens over the internet. So I won't try to elaborate further and waste your time.

              And no, I didn't post this. When I do post on here you would recognize my username.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        You know.

        We're all right. Both pro-lifers and pro-choicers are right. Maybe for the right reasons, maybe for the wrong reasons but does it really matter?

        The point is that one person should not have say over a strangers decisions. right? Dead babies - we don't really want that. Dead women - we don't really want that either.

        I don't know why people have such a hard on for this topic.

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        • Antir0b0t

          Yeah, I would have to say I agree with you. I already regret jumping balls deep into such a controversial topic. Abort!! Abort!

          (Purely pun fun.)

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  • SangoNyappy

    Actually I'm more for anti abortion because even if you don't want that child you can awlays give him/her for adoption but it really depends on case because there is no 100% chance of kid getting adopted and I think life in Childern's Home isn't really good.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      It really does. It's sad, how many children are put up for adoption and simply age out of the system, never knowing a family at all.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • I aborted a sandwich.

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  • rosa333

    Pro-life people have common sense, logic, and they know what they are talking about. Killing a life growing inside of someone shows just how much this world got, and is getting out of hand.

    When people have sex, the real reason behind having it is to make babies. Babies which both parents will love and bring up with love.

    People such as yourself see the body as an object used for fun and satisfaction. The body's only purpose is to work for us so that we can fulfil our goals here on earth.

    Whoever made up aborting a life from a woman is a sick person who has no feelings and no morals. There are no excuses for murder.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      I could punch you in the cunt.

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      • rosa333


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        • NocturnePonyFan

          I just hate ignorant assholes who live in the 1800s, who believe that sex should ONLY be used for procreation (fuck the idea that sex between two loving people can be used as a bonding experience). And I guess you're against infertile couples having sex, right?
          And, honestly, if you don't want people to have abortions, you can ALWAYS help unexpected mothers learn about their options. But you have no right to take their right to choice away from them. You have absolutely no right to tell people how to live their lives, and what choices they need to be making.

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          • rosa333

            See, you generalise too much. I don't think half of what you have listed.

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  • If a child has a physical or mental disability or is product of rape then it should be exterminated.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Why do people always say that babies that are theproduct of rape should be aborted. Perhaps I've missed something butb the rape isn't the baby's fault, is it. xx

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      • It's not the mothers fault either, is it?

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        • Lynxikat

          No, it's not the mother's fault, but just because a child is conceived via rape doesn't automatically mean that it should be aborted. What if the mother wants to keep the child? Or give it up for adoption?

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  • With how over populated the planet is right now, and is still getting more and more filled up with people I dont understand how abortion ISNT legal everywhere.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Ad Nausium.

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  • dom180

    I usually find them to be hypocrites and I disagree with their point of view.

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  • kittylitter101

    A really controversial topic, and it's alright to get fired up about it. It just means that you're fighting for what you believe it. As long as you don't actually enact these feelings then you're fine.

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  • theewiccachick

    To take a 'side' I think abortion is the parents choice completely. If it must be done, then who am I to say it is an act against my gods/goddesses for we are baised on free will. Although the thought of a child who has not yet lived to die is saddening; I have no right to tell anybody how to live their lives. As I live mine out of free will, and I would be going against my self to tell anybody different.

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  • sparrowanon

    I don't understand why there is so much hate slinging right now. There are far too many shades of gray for anything to be a definite correct or incorrect answer. Depending on who you talk to, the truth changes.
    Here is my personal, Utopian view on pro-life vs pro-choice.

    Life begins at conception, for when else would it start? It seems like the most obvious and easily testable point. How do you test sentience? How many organs do you need to be a person? How many cells even?

    Rape, incest, teenage, and medical abortions account for a very small percentage of abortions. Throwing that out there... It's mostly middle aged, married women.

    Sometimes a woman cannot give a baby for adoption. There is a huge emotional attachment created over months of carrying a piece of you around. She could also not be able to afford the medical care of carrying the baby to term, much less raising it.

    I am pro-life, for myself. I don't know your situation. I'm sure it must be dire for you to make such a life changing decision. But the woman who makes that decision is the one who has to live the rest of her life with that decision.

    That doesn't make me pro-choice either. In my perfect world, abortion would be legal but not needed. People would be responsible about sex and not take chances if they aren't ready for a child. Rape wouldn't exist. Pregnancy wouldn't kill the mothers. Abortion wouldn't be needed but it would still be an option.

    But the world isn't like this. It never will be. I think people forget that.

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  • capcrunch6

    I have mixed feelings on the subject of abortion. But, because I am male, I believe I should just stay out of the whole thing.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Although I don't agree with "pro-lifers", everyone is entitled to their own opinion and who are you to want to beat up someone because of their opinion? They could be the kindest, sweetest person in the world.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    We don't choose to be born in this ugly world so if there is the slightest hint that the child won't be wanted or liked then for its own sake it's better it never be born.
    If I had been given away and realised that I could have been not born but some idiot pro-lifer forced me to I'd feel like murdering them.

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    Of course. Any one with common sense knows that pro-life arguments are ridiculous, and are just bringing us a step closer to the government controlling every aspect of our lives. Who are they to say what a person can and cannot do with their own body?

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  • justanotherpersonalk

    i was just telling my friend how much i hate the protesters at the abortion clinic by my house. i give them the finger every time i pass them, i despise them

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