Is it normal to dislike servicemens' attitudes?

Just as the title says, is it normal to hate the way that soldiers think of non-soldiers? I noticed recently that a lot of veterans seems to put themselves in a different group from "civilians," as well as act like they're superior. Saying things like that civilians have to easy or that civilians are mindless, the term "potato" comes to mind.

Now, I'm not saying that I don't respect them for doing what they do; but it just bothers me that they think going out on the field is the only honorable job there is and that all the doctors, firefighters and scientists are all worthless.

Perhaps this is anecdotal but after some google searches it seems like there are a lot of vets that act like this, at least online.

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76% Normal
Based on 37 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • GuyWithScrewdriver

    Some of them can be snobbish about their time in the military ESPECIALLY the wounded ones, but I'd probably be a bit of a dick if I had both of my arms blown off by an IED too. That doesn't mean you have to put up with shit from them though. They joined up for a paycheck just like anyone else these days, they aren't "heroes" and quite a lot of them don't like being known as such. Just a few bad apples as usual, they mostly down to earth peeps.

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    • HardFeelings

      Yes, I can definitely understand why wounded soldiers may act that way, I wouldn't be annoyed about their attitudes.

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  • wigz

    well, the ranks are mostly made up of the bottom of the barrel, stupidest, poorest people and it's all they have. It's a fraternity basically of poor stupid morons who can't do anything else in life and this is the highlight...of course they will talk it up.

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  • _Jesus_

    People go to the army to fight for their country.
    Most of the people who don't go to the army stay back and keep the country functioning.
    Then there's the meth heads.

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  • CDmale4fem

    So I bet you have not ever been in the military. I was in the Navy for 7 years and 1 thing I really disliked was the part where people felt justified in stereotyping me. e.g."those sailors are drunkin assholes, so since I'm a sailor then I must be a drunk asshole too." No. We went to serve our country, some of us have sacrificed alot more than many "civilians" would ever even consider. So There may be Veterans with an bit of an attitude, but maybe they earned the right to be a little cocky, after being shot at, blown up, wounded,etc. So I say, if you don't like being judged, then don't judge others

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  • Ellenna

    And a lot of people who aren't vets hold those views

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    • HardFeelings

      From which side do you speak from?

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      • Ellenna

        Definitely not coming from a war veteran's perspective: my first political involvement was marching in Vietnam Moratorium rallies in the early 70's. My political perspective is women's liberation/anarchist feminist/environmentalist/pacifist

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  • Azaman

    Everyone is an asshole on the Internet.

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    • Ellenna

      Except you, of course?

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      • Azaman

        I didn't say that. I'm certainly an asshole when I choose to be.

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        • Ellenna

          Yeah, we all have to release our inner arsehole sometimes

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