Is it normal to do 72 business calls a day?

Is it normal to do 72 business calls a day? And that's apart form some other group calls which maybe around 10/15?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 9 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • This isn't about normality. It's about the choice of the workplace. If you can handle it without serious stress and damage, it's ok, otherwise quit. You can't reduce the amount of Mathematics studied at University of Cambridge because you can't handle it, or you don't like it, but you can go to another university if it's not for you.

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  • S12207

    If it's "cold calling" then yes. What is it for?

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    • Algum

      I thought they banned cold calling telemarketing now.

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      • Ellenna

        Really? Where? It's alive and well in Australia unfortunately, mostly from India so nothing can be done about it

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        i gits scumbag calls from scumbag fuckheads all the time with spoofed caller id numbers

        i wishes i could push a button and blow theys phones up next to theys faces

        fuckin scammers needs to die

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  • Mark92

    Normal, but sounds a bit stressful...

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  • Checkmate_King

    yes it's abusive

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  • Nickvey

    yes , well near that , not everyday but doctors would call for advice almost non stop when beds are full. they have too. they already screwed up guessing what antibiotic would cure. then they have to admit them so i can test all that shit . Glad i retired . no one replaced me either , Obama care right.

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    • McBean

      Hey Nick, didn't know you retired. It explains why you are a salty old bastard. I identify with that.

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