Is it normal to do good for the sake of the good?

I got tied into Ishikism, which has no morals, and it's good because it tells you what the real Islam is and of the First And True religion. I also am that mixture that the popular majority and people following a couple of religions do. As a Puritan everything that contradicts the Bible is reason for disbelief.
I'm also doing moral good: no tables, dice, card-playing, horse-racing, gambling etc, and no sodomy, oral sex, masturbating, intemperate sex, lustful sex etc, these are sins I avoid and I'm not very good at sinlessness.
I also contemplate, or think, or meditate and concentrate, and I do mysticism, I do good for the sake of the good, is that normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 3 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • You can be subjectively good without being objectively good

    I personally think it's better to start at the base and then build around it. I wasn't born with a Bible, so I'm not gonna build a narrow mental tower with religion at the top to then build my understanding of the world; the Bible itself and everything are all human inventions. Hubris is what led to people claiming they have god on their side and that they know what their god wants. The fact is you won't ever on this earth and to claim divine knowledge would be backwards rationalization

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    • normal-rebellious

      I don't make claim to knowledge of God, but I believe in it to sustain a way of life, which isn't fun for anyone except for me. Everything else distracts me from the 27-year-old me.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    where do you eat your posh meals and put your fancy stuff if you dont believe in tables hans?

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    • normal-rebellious

      I put them on my stable table.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        the stable at the horse track?

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