Is it normal to do only half?
I alwaya feel like doing something but i only seem to get about half way, then i quit. On ALL of my projects. Normal?
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I alwaya feel like doing something but i only seem to get about half way, then i quit. On ALL of my projects. Normal?
What kind of projects? Maybe you're just interested in the idea of the project--knowing that you can do it and understanding how to pull it off. The actual completed product isn't nearly as important as the concept.
But honestly, it's counterproductive. You should really fi
Since you generally get out of something what you put in, you should start lowering your life expectations.
Its called laziness
Ur doing eveything half assed
And thats not going to help u later in life
Some people are subconsciously afraid of failure, so they give up. Ironically enough, consistently quitting is more comforting than occasional failing.