Is it normal to do this in a grocery store
My husband and I sometimes to pretend to not know each other and start a fake verbal fight in a grocery store. Sometimes smashing our carts together. We like to see peoples reactions.
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My husband and I sometimes to pretend to not know each other and start a fake verbal fight in a grocery store. Sometimes smashing our carts together. We like to see peoples reactions.
Did your huband come up with this idea, like told you "Hey hunny, can we do this .....", or did you tell him first. Cuz i wanna start doing this people.
Nah. But its obviously enjoyable and i say keep doin it. Its little things like that keep people together.
once we did that in school pretending I was being bullied in a corner and they all watched until weall stood up and bowed telling them they've been fooled.
i also do that like in the street
me and my boyfriend or friend
or ever my sister
is funny how people react hahaha
Yes I think the conclusion her is that it is not normal, but definitely not wrong. In fact it is probably healthy and honestly I would love to do that (sounds like a lot of fun) but I know my girl would never go for it